Chapter 19; Run

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Anna Leigh's pov

I panic as I shove a few clothes and other essentials in my backpack. I pull on jeans and a jumper, plus sneakers and I pull my hair into a ponytail.

After my talk with Fiona, she gave me the advice that I needed. She was so pissed at my parents and promised to give Dorian a piece of her mind for abandoning me.

So here I am, planing my escape plan. I can't stay here any longer. I grab my backpack, sling it on my shoulder before opening my bedroom window.

Here we go.

I'm careful as I first swing my leg outside the window, and then, my body. I take a deep breath, then jump down and land with a thud.

Damn, it looks simple in the movies.

I get up, dust myself off and then listen in to see if I can hear any movement in the house. Luckily, I don't.

I tiptoe to the fence, and hoist myself up and over with ease.

I can't stay here any longer.

I run, and run. It's past midnight and there are no cars around. The road is dark, with a few headlights here and there.

I don't honestly know where to run to. I would go to Dorian but let's face it, he wants nothing to do with me. And Fiona is far away from me. I have no one else. So I have to do this on my own.

I run until I find a motel, a few miles from home. Luckily, I find a room to rest in for a while. It's tiny, for sure but it will do for now since I don't have that much money to waste.
I fall asleep soon after and by the time I wake up, it's already afternoon.
I walk into the bathroom and do my business. I then rummage through my backpack and find a pair of black leggings and a white T-shirt to match with.

I realize then that I need money, which means, I need a job. And I'm hungry. I grab my wallet and look through it to find a few notes of money I took from my savings. I sneak out from the motel, looking sideways, just in case I see someone that knows me. When it's clear, I walk aimlessly, well, because I don't know where I'm going. I don't know this part of town and it's already stressing me out. Soon, I spot a cafe and I walk in. It's nice and cozy and it also has a homey vibe to it.

"What can I get you?" The barista asks me when I walk up to the counter.

"Can I have a doughnut and coffee please"

"Sure, coming right up"

I wait for only a few minutes before my eatables are handed to me in exchange for my money. I walk to a nearby booth and dig in immediately. After my meal, I walk out of the cafe and down the road while looking for any signs for jobs. I walk into cafes and diners but I don't get any luck.

"I am sorry but we are not hiring right now"
Is all I hear.

It's night time soon, I'm tired and sweaty from all the walking so I decide to head back to my motel room. I'm in my own thoughts when I hear noise from nearby, I look towards it to see a club with a long line of people waiting to enter.

Lucky people. With no problems.

I continue walking down the road until the motel is in my line of view. I hear footsteps from behind me and look back but don't see anyone.

I swear, I heard footsteps.

I hurry in my steps and so do the footsteps behind me. No, this can't be happening to me. Maybe it's a stalker, a murderer or a human trafficker. I can't die like this. I'm too young to die yet. I think about all the scenarios in my head and all of them end horribly.

I make it to my room finally and lock the door behind me. I lean against it and slide down on it. The only thing I can hear in this small room is my frantic heartbeat and heavy breathing.

Deep breaths Anna Leigh, breathe.

I repeat in my head and soon enough, my breathing relaxes and I finally get up from the cold floor. My butt is numb and my cheeks are stained with tears. I run them and make my way to the bathroom with shaky legs. I run the shower and get in.

After my bath, I pick a warm jumper and sweatpants from my backpack and get dressed immediately. I didn't unpack my bag because I don't plan on staying in this hellhole for a long time. I get into bed and pull the covers over my head.

You're okay Anna Leigh.
Maybe it's all in my head.

I think as I will myself to fall asleep.

Unconsciously, I think I hear the door to my room open but I ignore it.

It's all in your head, Anna Leigh.

It's the last thing I think of as I fall into a deep slumber.

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