Chapter 26; Beautiful angel

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Dorian's pov

She kissed me. Anna Leigh freaking kissed me and that to, on my lips. I freeze, it feels so good but I can't move. After my scheme of kidnapping her, I didn't know what she would do to me. I thought she would be so angry at me, which she was but it was all worth it.

For the past few weeks, I've been watching Anna Leigh's every move. From when she was still in the hospital, I visited her. I've watched her house and I found out that she was not allowed to go out. I followed her when she tried to escape and I was actually going to intervene when that douche kidnapped her but I was too late. So I continued to follow her and then found out that they are leaving for the Bahamas from a source I got from her house. It's easy to get information for the right price. I booked a flight and followed them there. I couldn't help it. I wanted to make sure that she's okay. I was willing to just watch her from a far but decided that I've had enough when I saw her accepting to marry the douche. She smiled and organized the whole thing but I couldn't help but feel jealous and angry.

I watched her closely, realized that the smiles she wore on her face were nothing but fake. I know her like I know the back of my hand. I know when she's truly happy and when she faking it and this time, I wasn't mistaken; she's doing this for the sake of it and I had to keep her from ruining her life. I had to make sure she's happy, even if it's the last thing I do. So I decided to kidnap her.

So here we are, me, going back on my promise of not telling her how I feel about her. I was scared of how she'd react. I even prepared myself for slaps and kicks and insults but none came. Instead, I got a kiss and speaking of which, I haven't responded yet. I'm like a statue and I can't help but feel pathetic.

Snap out of it, Dorian.

I feel her start to pull away but I don't let her. I grab her by the waist and pull her body flush against mine. I kiss her back and I can feel sparks explode.
We fit perfectly as our lips mould with each other so effortlessly and it's complete bliss.

This is paradise.

Buy the time we pull away, we're both out of breath. I stare at her beautiful face and sure enough her lips are swollen from the kiss and her cheeks are flushed.

My girl is a beautiful angel.


We both speak at the same time while blushing furiously. This is weird now. I don't know what's going through her head. Maybe she's regretting it, maybe she hates me. I don't know. All the negative thoughts go through my head and I can't take it.

I need confirmation.

"Anna, I'm sorry..." I start but don't finish my sentence because I can't find the right words to say.

"For what?" She asks.

We are both standing in my room, staring at everything except each other's faces.

"You didn't have to... Uhm... You know. It's okay if you don't feel the same way. I don't want you to feel like you have to do this just because we're friends" I breathe out as I run the back of my neck with my hand.

"First of all, mister, I wouldn't do this for anyone, not even for you if I didn't want to." She says.
"And secondly, you have to admit that that kiss was fire"

She says this while placing her hands on my shoulders and pressing her body close to mine.

I'm going to have a heart attack if she remains this close.

I can't think of anything right now. The kiss already messed me up and now her behavior towards me is doubling everything. I'm actually so turned on right now and I'm scared that if she doesn't stop, I might just devour her.

"Anna, please tell me how you really feel" I gather all my courage and tell her.

She takes a deep breath, drops her hands from my shoulders and walks towards my window sill. It's her favorite spot in my room, aside from my bed. She takes a seat there and raises her legs, hugging her knees to her chest as she stares outside at the darkening sky.

When did it get so late?

She's so quiet that I'm starting to sweat. Maybe I shouldn't have told her anything.
Maybe I shouldn't have kissed her. Well technically, she kissed me. But still.

"I don't know, Dorian" her small voice finally cuts through the deafening silence.

"I know. I'm sorry" I say apologetically as I stare down any my shoes.

"Dorian, I'm surprised that you feel that way for me. And honestly, I'm not mad at you for that. It's just that, you're so special to me. I've been with you for as long as I can remember and I know that you'd never hurt me intentionally." She says.

I hold my breath because this can go both ways; she can either reject me or give me a chance and hopefully, it's the second one.

"I like you. Gosh, I love you and you know that. You're an amazing guy and.."

I can't take it anymore, so I interrupt her.

"Just say you don't feel the same way"

"Don't interrupt me while I'm talking, young man" she scolds me.

She hates it when I or anyone interrupts her mid sentence.

"As I was saying," she says slowly as she glares at me.

I gulp my saliva down and I feel a lump in my throat. I honestly can't breathe. If she rejects me right now, I might die. Like really die.

"It's just as you said.." I wait for her to continue but she doesn't. She remains silent as she turns back to stare at the sky again. She wants me to die. How am I supposed to know what she means by "as you said". What did I say? When?
I give up, she's going to reject me and she's stalling because she doesn't want to hurt my feelings.

I feel tears in my eyes as I turn around with the aim of leaving the room. I decide that I can't be in the room anymore. I will never recover from this, that I'm sure of. I open the door and I'm about to head out of the room when I hear the words I've been dieing to hear.

"I have feelings for you too, Dorian"

I cease my actions, I freeze for a moment then turn around to find her staring at me with glossy eyes. I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out.

You're dreaming, Dorian.

"I've been trying to deny it for a while but now, I know it's true and I accept it." She continues as she gets down from the window and walks towards myself at the door where I'm still stuck.
When she gets there, in front of me, she raises her hands and places them at my chest before saying the best thing I've heard in my entire existence.

"I love you, Dorian. I'm fucking in love with you"

If I die now, I'd die a happy man.

Hailee Steinfeld

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