Chapter 21; Get away

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Anna Leigh's pov

I wake up with my head pounding. I grab it into my hands and take deep breaths. It's too bright in the room and as I look around, I realize that I'm in my own room at home.

No, no was my escape all a dream?

I wonder as I try to get up from the bed but end up collapsing back.

"You're awake" I hear my dad's voice from the door.

I look up and see him leaning against the door frame, staring at me with distaste on his face.

"Get dressed and come downstairs, we need to talk about your behavior" he says while leaving his position and heading downstairs.

Oh boy, what did I do now?

I get up from the bed and reach to remove my jumper only to feel a piece of paper in the pocket. I pull it out and find that it's a receipt of a motel room. So I did escape, but the question is, how did I get back here?

I try remembering and snipets of yesterday's events come back to me; I ran away from home, got a motel room, tried searching for a job, was followed on my way back, went to sleep, door opening.

Shit. My door did open last night.

My parents must've had someone look for me and follow me around. If not, how could i be here right now?

I get into the shower and wash myself before putting pajamas on. I don't care anymore, I'm doomed now. If I was grounded last time, this time it's going to be worse. When I'm done, I don't even bother brushing my hair. I make my way downstairs to find my parents sitting at the dinning table with Max.

"Sit" my dad commands and I oblige.

My body is exhausted, my mind too. I feel like a robot which does everything it's commanded to do automatically without any emotion.

"Let's talk about the stunt you pulled" my father begins.

I stay quiet the whole time as he tells me about how stupid it was, how u could've been hurt, how I'm a disappointment blah blah blah. I zone out somewhere in-between there and I'm only brought back to my senses when my dad bangs his hands on the table.

"Are you even listening?" He shouts at me.

I stare at him with a bored expression on my face before answering his question.

"I'm sorry, what where you saying?"

He folds his hands into fists and I see him taking deep breaths, I think it's for him to cool down but yet again, I don't care.

"I've been talking to you for over an hour and you have the nerve to ask me that?" He asks with clenched teeth.

"Honey, calm down" my mum tries to reason with him while placing her hand on his on the table

"CALM DOWN? you want me to calm down?" He screams while pulling his hand away from mum's.

Dude, my head is pounding and you're about to make my eardrums explode.

"Listen, Anna Leigh" he starts.
"I've tolerated your idiotic and childish acts for a long time but not anymore. You are going to do exactly as I tell you from this moment onwards. I'm I clear?"

I smile at him before saluting him while saying,

"Sir, yes sir"

"Oh, you think I'm playing around?" He asks dangerously.

"Oh I would never think that, father" I retort.

He squeezes his hands in fists and stands up with a raised fist towards me, I don't even move away because I'm tired. I don't care whether he hits me or not.

"Enough" my mum shouts while grabbing my dad's hand before it comes into contact with my face.

"Are you done?" I ask with tears threatening to fall out of my eyes but i don't let them. They don't have to see me breakdown.

I push my chair backwards and stand up and I robotically walk towards my room and when I'm inside, I let the tears fall. I let the waterfall out as I press my head into my pillow and scream.

I don't know for how long I've been asleep but when I wake up, it's 3pm already and I'm starving. I go to the bathroom to relieve myself then head to the kitchen to grab something to eat.

"How are you feeling, dear" my mum asks me as she hands me a plate with a sandwich on it.

"Fine. I'm so fine, mom" I say, sarcastically.

"Don't, mom"

"Oh, good you are here" I hear my dad and I lose my appetite.

"You have an hour to pack your stuff, we are going for a vacation"

Great, just great.

An hour later.

"Let's go, our flight is soon taking off" my mum says as she drags my bags from my hand.

You may be wondering why I am so obedient now, well let me just say, I protested, I cried but no one listened to me, my mum packed my bags herself and all I did was just give up and let her drag me around so here we are now, at the airport, going to the Bahamas for vacation.

If it were different circumstances, I would be thrilled but it doesn't faze me now. My soul is dead and I don't think I can be excited for anything anymore.

"Ahhh, this is what this family needs" my dad says the moment we get off the plane.

Ofcourse it is.

We head to the hotel and when I get my room, I lock myself inside and collapse on the bed. I might as well fall asleep since being awake hurts so much.

Maybe I can use this getaway for something productive like, some freedom.

With this thought, I find a little sliver of hope and I smile for the first time in days, maybe I'm not so hopeless after all.

My best friendNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ