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The wind whistled around our ears and the snowstorm blocked our view. We had to leave our horses at the hometown of one of us because we didn't want to take them into the wild snow storm that raged on our way. We didn't really know how far we had to hike through the high snow until we reached our destination. A city calles 'Ecciled'.

If all the words are true, I would finally find what I was looking for on my journey.

When even the blazing flames of our fire-mage could no longer keep us warm, my comrades considered going back. However, I managed to convince them otherwise. We had already come this far and couldn't possibly give up.

In the distance a bright light shone after some time. It was a red ray rising towards the sky, where it drove away the clouds. My comrades and I hurried as fast as we could to the light. We reached a wall of a slightly transparent red light, which shone dimly. The beam had disappeared we assumed it had evolved into this sphere.

My friends and I crossed the light barrier and the snowstorm was gone. It was warm and the snow began to melt inside the sphere. One of my comrades drew my attention to the city, which could be seen in front of us. A large castle made the old houses around it look very small.

"Welcome, travelers. It's been a long time since I last welcomed guests. My name is Mr. Cat, but I would like you to call me Mister. I am happy to guide you through our beautiful city, Ecciled. ", a humanoid cat stepped out from behind the city wall and hit the gate with his cane. My comrades and I introduced ourselfes before we slowly walked through the big and rusty gate. The cat man had black fur and a white chin. He looked exactly like a cat walking on two legs, hence his name.

Mister led us along a old street into the small town. There was no resident to be seen, which sent shivers down my spine. But when a loud bell rang, masses of people stormed out of their homes and began to work. No one paid attention to us. "The king has awakened. It is forbidden to leave the house before the bell rings," said the cat man and we replied with questioning looks. "The king is weak and needs a lot of sleep, so everyone must remain silent in their houses until he wakes up. Work is loud, as you hear now."

The residents cleaned everything as quickly as they could and filled their market stalls with goods. We were told that everything must be perfect, because the king's servant soon shows up to buy breakfast for his master. My friends and I stood on the sidelines and observed the townsfolk. I absolutely had to speak to the king servant, because only the king could help me return home.

Mister left us alone and told us to wait to give the servant gifts for the king. When the cat man was out of reach, a woman quickly walked up to us. She told us about strange events and the dangerous king who despised guests in his city. The servant would deliver us to him if we didn't hide. We decided to trust the woman and she took us to her house. There she asked us why we came to Ecciled.

I decided to tell her my view of our story.

Tales of Lost Souls | Mia's JourneyWhere stories live. Discover now