CHAPTER 9 - the main gate

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As we made our way to the capital of Marshall I couldn't help but notice Nodachis nervousness.

"Is something the matter?" Tashken asked only seconds before I had the chance to ask. Nodachi responded with a simple head shake meaning no... As a former knight, he must have some sort of sense for unusual or risky situations.

But Nodachi had no intention on elaborating what he was thinking.

So we continued riding but both Tashken and I kept an eye on our surroundings. There must be something that set Nodachi off. When he doesn't say what's wrong, we need to find out. Not only because we are a team now but... well, because of reasons.

We walked in silence for a while. Once a giant statue with a huge white themed castle behind it appeared in the distance as the sun already dawned. That must be the Marshall Kingdom...

Once we arrived at the main gate, two Knights stopped the three of us. Appearantly you can't take your horses into the city unless you have a permitt... Nodachi had one, but chose to let his horse stay with Tashkent's horse at a bar where you could tie your horses inside the city walls.

The Kingdom took great pride in horses and knights the same, so it was no surprise that even the horses of normal travelers where taken care off and be protected inside the walls. But maybe this was special treatment because of Nodachis involvement with the Sapphire Knights.

As we stepped further into the city we saw a lot of knights walking around. This was truly a kingdom taht took pride in their knights and mighty swords as both are represented a lot. Most of the buildings and the path too, are white with a lot or red parts. The flag wasn't mostly white which catched me by surprised. It was black and red with a symbol looking like a horse head in white.

"Let's get something to eat," Tashken said with exitment as he smelled the many food stalls nearby. Nodachi kept an eye on him. I can only imagine what he was thinking, but it might have been something along the lines of: Let's BUY something to eat, no stealing.

I giggled when I imagined him saying that. This somehow felt like we had already been friends for years. It was weird but I tried to hold on to that thought. I miss my family and friends back home, but for the time being, these guys weren't that bad.

Soon after we got some beef & mushroom sticks from a food stall, the three of us noticed a comotion at a nearby fountain. A familair young, blonde man spoke loudly to an angry crowd.

Tales of Lost Souls | Mia's JourneyOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora