Chapter 2 - Meeting the contestants

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FeeBee's POV
When Bim Bom and I got to the castle, I gasped at what I saw. There was a long line of girls lined up for auditions.
"Wow, a lot of people signed up for this, huh?" I asked
"Yeah" she said"hey let's go get our numbers"
We got our numbers and went inside, taking a seat.
I sat next to a girl who's number was 32.
"Hey" she said
"Hi" I said"Are you in this competition too?"
"Yeah, I really hope I win but you look like you have a shot at winning" she said
"You really think so?" I asked, my smile getting wider
"Yeah" she said
"Awwn thank you" I said
"You're welcome" she said" I'm Bunny by the way"
"FeeBee. Nice to meet ya" I said
"Number 15 please step up" I heard the intercom say
"That's me" Bim Bom said, getting up.
"Good luck" I said

After a while, Bim Bom came back.
"Well.....?" I asked
"They said they'd get back to me" she said
"Number 16 please step up" the intercom said
I was number 16. I could feel my hands getting sweaty as I walked to the stage.
I was greeted with Princess Unikitty and her scientist, Dr Fox.
"Hi FeeBee!" Princess Unikitty said, waving
"Hi Unikitty" I said into the mic, waving back.
"So here's how it works. Dr Fox and I will each ask you a question and then you'll show us your talent" Princess Unikitty said
"Okay" I said
"FeeBee, first question is from me" Dr Fox said "What would you do if you won?"
"Why, I'd be so happy, I'd throw a flower party" I said
"Okay, do you like my bro, Puppycorn?" Princess Unikitty said
I froze up. Nobody's ever asked about what I feel for Puppycorn. And what if....... Puppycorn's watching this?
"I.... Um..... Really like him" I said.
I figured that was the best answer in my situation. Princess Unikitty and Dr Fox discussed to themselves before they turned to me.
"Ok, FeeBee, time for your talent". Princess Unikitty said
"Um, okay I can sing" I said
"Let's hear it" Dr Fox said
I cleared my throat

'I say hey!
I'll be gone today
But I'll be back
Around the way
It seems like
Every where I go
The more I see
The less I know
But I know
One thing
I love you (4×)

"Thanks, FeeBee, we'll get back to you" Dr Fox said and I went back to my seat.
Every other girl left went in, one by one, including Bunny, until no one was left.
"Would everyone report to the stage, please?" The intercom said
"Ooooh, I think it's to choose the winners" Bim Bom said and we went on stage.
"So we've tallied up all the results and if you hear your name, please step forward. You're in the competition" Dr Fox said "Bim Bom."
"Yes!" Bim Bom said stepping forward
"Wrecking Ball. Bunny. Edith. Stellacopter. Schmunikitty. Q.T. Diane. Batty and ....... Glandrea"

I could feel my eyes fill with tears as I didn't hear my name called.
I wasn't picked?!

"Glandrea? Glandrea?!" Princess Unikitty called but no one stepped forward
"Well, if she's not here, we'll have to go with a second option " Dr Fox said
"Hmmm, I pick FeeBee" Unikitty said

My heart fluttered with joy as I quickly wiped my eyes and stepped out.
"The rest of you, I'm sorry" Dr Fox said and the remaining girls groaned and dispersed.
"Ladies, congratulations" Unikitty said "our resident butler will show you to your rooms and good luck girls"

I sighed in relief. I'm so happy I made it.

Bunny's POV
The butler showed me my room and I gasped. It was so well decorated and the Princess bed was beautiful.
I smiled and jumped on the bed.
This is definitely the life I deserve. And it's the life I'll get.

Hi guys. Bye guys

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