Chapter 8 - A date

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Bunny's POV
FeeBee didn't look tired at all which can only mean that she didn't sleep in her room last night. Where else could she have slept in? I have a theory but I'm gonna have to confirm it. In the meantime, Q.T's gone and my biggest competition is Bim Bom. But I'm gonna leave her be.

I'll squash the ants before I take care of the cockroach.

Speaking of ants, Stellacopter is looking pretty sabotage worthy. But I have no idea what the next challenge would be about. I'll just have to find a way.

FeeBee's POV
I was already dressed when Richard knocked on my door and pretty soon I was on my way to the living room. I was beginning to think I had a pretty good chance at winning.
I got to the living room and I was the first one there.
I sat down and waited until everyone joined me. Not long after, Unikitty arrived.
"Hello, everybody" she said, flying over us "Today is a very special day so go out and shop for your most prettiest dresses and get fancy because today you'll be going on a date with my lil'bro Puppycorn"
I sat up straight almost immediately.

Me? On a date? With Puppycorn?!
I began hyperventilating.
It's too good to be true. Ever since I joined this show, all my dreams have been coming true at once. Dream No.1, meet Puppycorn, dream No.2, hug Puppycorn and dream No.3, go on a date with Puppycorn.

I grabbed the bottle of water and gulped it down.
"You have till the end of the day to get everything you need. When it's time, you all will take turns on the the date. One hour for everybody so you better make the most of it. Okay, go"

Everybody made their way outside including me and Bim Bom took my hand.
"Wanna go shopping together?" She said
"Really?" I asked
"Yeah, you and I both know you don't have a sense of fashion" Bim Bom said, pulling me into a hug."And besides, I miss my best friend. Ever since this show started, we haven't hung out in a while."
"That's okay, let's use today's shopping to spend some time together" I said and she smiled and nodded.
With that, we made our way to the Unikingdom mall.

Puppycorn's POV
I love my sister but she can't make me wear a suit. It's too restricting. Any piece of clothing I can't play soccer should be incinerated.
I hung the suit back up and searched the wardrobe.

There's gotta be something else I can wear.

FeeBee's POV
"No" Bim Bom said without even looking at me.
I sighed.
"Bim Bom, you've gotta help me out" I  said
"I am helping" she said
"I know you are but could you please accept at least one of the clothes I choose" I said
"Could you please stop choosing terrible clothing?" She said and I sighed.

I had everything I needed except the dress. I was on my way to the.dressing room to change when a shop attendant placed a Texan line of clothing beside me.
Hmmm, you can't go wrong when you're wearing home.

I picked one of the cowgirl dresses I liked and put it on.
The dress fit me perfectly and I loved the feel of it. But, Bim Bom won't accept it.
I went around Bim Bom and paid for the dress. Then I hid it among the other stuff I bought and went back to Bim Bom

A lot of hours later

I looked at myself again in the mirror.
Do I like how I look? Yes. Do I want Puppycorn to like how look? Yes. Do I think he's gonna like it? Well......
I sighed. Apparently, someone was gonna pick me up when it was time for my date with Puppycorn.
I giggled silently.
I can't believe I just said that. Me, on a date with Puppycorn.

Bunny's POV
The date was nice and the Prince was cute but he wasn't wearing a tuxedo or anything. Just a white t-shirt and yellow shorts.
Well, now that it's over it's time to sabotage Stellacopter. I snuck into her room and saw that she was in the bathroom. I smirked and quietly locked her in. I took her dress and threw it out the window before locking her room door. I took the keys to Wrecking Ball's room and threw it down the toilet, flushing it.
Of course I wore gloves while doing all this so no one could trace me.
Thanks to the castle having thick walls, no one's gonna hear her call for help for a very long time.

Puppycorn's POV
I was already getting bored of all these dates. I wasn't trying to be mean but there's only one person I look forward to go on a date with this night and that's FeeBee.
I sighed and looked at my watch.
"Well, Puppycorn the next person you were supposed to go on a date with was Stellacopter but we can't find her so you'll go with FeeBee" Richard said and I stood up almost immediately.
"FeeBee?" I said "Can I be the one to pick her up?"
"Sure but why?" Richard asked
"Uh why not?" I asked him and he squinted his eyes before shrugging.
"Ok" he said and I immediately left the restaurant.
I got to the castle and stood in front of FeeBee's room door.
I knocked lightly and there was some shuffling behind the door before it creaked open, FeeBee peeping out. As soon as she saw me, she slammed the door shut.

There was some more shuffling before she opened the door again, this time wider.
"Hey" I said waving.
"Hi" she said"sorry for slamming the door on you"
"That's okay" I said"are you ready?"
"Sure but where are we going to?" She asked.
"It's a surprise" I said and winked at her.

Hey guys I've sorry I've been away. I'll try to make it up to y'all somehow

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