Chapter 6 - Free day

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FeeBee's POV
I was already awake since I was used to Richard waking me up. But he didn't come.

That's weird, he's usually very punctual .

I opened my door and looked around. No sign of Richard or anyone else for that matter.

I stepped out of my room and went downstairs still in my PJ's. There's gotta be someone down there.
But the living room was empty.

What the? What's going on?

I went back upstairs and met Bunny coming towards me. Fully dressed.
"Hey have you seen Richard?" I asked her.
"Not at all" she said "I was just about to ask you that question"
"Oh, okay um where are you going?" I asked
"Since it looks like we're free today, I'm gonna look around the city for a while" she replied and began walking away. "Catch you later"
"Bye" I said and went back into my room.
I lay down on my bed, sighing softly.

It's been a very stressful couple of days. Maybe I could just lie down here for a while.
No, there's still a lot of places I need to explore in this castle.

I pulled myself off the bed and freshed up, putting my signature flowery dress. I put my some lipgloss and brushed my pink hair. I left the room and looked both ways. Then I went the way I haven't been before. There was a kitchen and big bathroom and after that was another flight of stairs. I went up the stairs and found two big doors facing opposite each other. There were two labels on them. One said Unikitty and one said...... Puppycorn?

I could feel a blush creep up my face as I tried to leave. But then I heard a soft sound coming from Puppycorn's room. It sounded like the theme song of my favourite game, Go-cart racing 5.

Could it be? Puppycorn and I like the same game?

I leaned more against the door to see if I could hear something else but the door creaked and I heard Puppycorn say:
"Who's there?"

My heart started beating a lot faster but for two completely different reasons. One, because I heard his sweet, sweet, sweet, sweet voice. And two because he knows I'm here.

Oh no, he'll think I'm a creep and a stalker and we'll never be together.

"Is someone there?" He called out but I just stood there, mortified.

I've got to get out of here or do something.

But I did nothing and just stood there until Puppycorn opened the door.
"FeeBee?" He asked, bending his head in the cutest way.
"Puppycorn! Hey.... I mean hi.... I mean hello.. .. I didn't know this was your room. I..... Um ... got lost" I said nervously.
"Hmmm, okay, you wanna come inside?" He said, leaning against the door.
"Inside your room?" I said, and began hyperventilating."Yes!"
"Okay come on in" he said stepping out of the way as I stepped in.

Bunny's POV
Of course today's a free day. It's been three days already.
I stepped out of the shop with all the stuff I needed for my plan in my bag. I went back to the castle and into my room.
I brought out my laptop and began googling.
Hmmm, there's only five people in this castle. The butler, the bodyguard, the scientist, the Prince and the Princess.
Three of our challenge were made by three of these people so if I had to guess I'd say the next challenge would be made by the Princess and knowing her, it's either going to be a singing, dancing or nicest person challenge. All which I planned for.
I grabbed a bag filled with jars of peanut butter and a can of peas. I went to Q.T's room. I knocked on the door and she opened.
"Hey Q.T " I said
"Do I know you?" She asked
"I'm one of the contestants in the show, Bunny" I said "I just wanna be friends"
"Okay, come in" she said an I smiled and went in.

Puppycorn's POV
FeeBee and I were playing Go-cart racing 5 and I had beaten her for the fifth time.
"Aww, shucks, how'd you always beat me? I've played this game like a gazillion times" she said, pouting cutely.
It made me feel like smiling.
"I don't know, I guess I just have a lucky charm" I said, putting down the controller.
"Can I have it? I'm probably gonna need it for this show" she said, looking downward.
"I'm sure you won't" I said, putting a hand on her shoulder.
"Yeah I will. You haven't seen me in this show yet" she said, covering her face with her hands. "I'm horrible"
Hmmm. What can I do to cheer her up?

I walked over to my mini fridge and brought out my lunchbox.
"Hey you wanna know what makes me   a good gamer"? I said, sitting really close to her in front of her."my lucky charm?"
"What?" She said, peeking out of her hands.
"My secret recipe. PB & M" I said bringing the sandwich out of my box.
"PB & M?" She asked
"Peanut butter and mayo" I said, simply.
"Ewww! Gross!" She said, before she giggled.
"I know it sounds gross but it tastes nice" I said, stretching it out to her"try it.
She looked at the sandwich, then at me then back at the sandwich again before she took it, taking a slow bite out it.
"Well?" I said
"It actually tastes....... Great" she said, finishing it off"I feel a bit better. Thanks alot, Puppycorn"
"Hey, what are friends for?"

Bunny's POV
I gave Q.T the jar of peanut butter and when she left to make a sandwich in the kitchen, I slipped some of the peas under the mattress of her bed.

Let's see just how well you sleep now. I went to FeeBee's room and slipped some of the peas under her bed then I went back to my room.

Okay, quick note. I have no idea what a Peanut butter and mayo sandwich so can someone make it and taste it and tell me what it's like? Peace and I love y'all.💙💜✌️🧡

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