A New Friend

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You were never the kind of guy that made many friends. You just never really fit in. This was especially true at summer camp. You were short standing at a whopping 5'5". You were very skinny too so all the other guys easily overpowered you and bullied you. There was at least one person that seemed nice though. Her name was Robin. She never acted like any of the other girls. She wouldn't look down on you, even though she physically towered over you. If you had to guess she was at least 5'10". She dressed very different from other girls too. While most girls wore short shorts, crop tops and strappy sandals, she wore jeans, plaid jackets and tall boots. She was also more muscular that most girls. You could tell she worked hard to keep her tone physical form. You two had quickly become friends as you shared a lot of the same interests. You both liked hiking, which was good considering you were stuck in the woods for the next two months. You also liked the same kind of music. You had never connected with anyone, let alone a girl this much before. You even convinced the counselors to let you share a cabin, which usually wasn't allowed for obvious reasons. Two teenagers sleeping in a confined space unsupervised, you get the idea, however you assured them that you two were just friends. You had to admit though, that she was easily the most sexually appealing girl you'd seen. You hadn't realized that tomboys were your type until you met Robin. She just had this confidence about her that made her impossible for you to resist. You both started unpacking your things in your shared cabin. Robin jokingly said, "Hey you just wanna sleep in the same bed?". Not realizing she wasn't being serious you said yes. "Well I was just joking, but if you really want to, I guess we can." She playfully threw you on the bed and then got on top of you. You didn't even attempt to get her off you. You actually enjoyed having her on top of you, not that you'd admit it though. "Yeah loser, you just got your ass kicked by a girl.", she joked with you while flexing her muscles. You decided to grab one of her legs to try and move her, at which point she put her foot on your throat. You pleaded with her to stop. "Alright I'll stop but only if you give my foot a kiss." she said while laughing. You did as you were told and gave a big kiss to the sole of her foot. "Oh my god. I can't believe you did that. You really are a loser aren't you." Robin said, finally letting you go. You knew after that your relationship with her would be very different from now on.

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