Strange Love

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After your night of humiliation and torture with Piper and her friends you were more than ready to go back with Robin. This however was not the case, as it turned out Mom apparently wanted a devoted pet as much as her two daughters. She was a naturally dominant woman and she could dominate you quite easily even if you didn't want it to happen, which you very much did. You also had motivation to please her. You treated her as your new mother. Your old family no longer mattered. This woman was now your mother and you would devote your pathetic life to pleasing her and her two daughters. When you woke up, still in pain and covered in foot stink Mom came into the room and told you to come with her. Just as the day before she made breakfast, except this time it was just her resting her feet on you. It couldn't have been any later than 7 in the morning because you and her were the only ones awake. She said out of nowhere, "Here's the deal. I really enjoy how you are a total slave to me and my daughters. I want to ensure that you are never able to leave, which I doubt you would want to do. The point is I don't want you getting any ideas about starting a family or going to college, because all that matters is being a good pet for us." "What do you mean? How will you insure that?" you asked a little confused. " It's funny you ask. I have already written up a legal document that states you are our legal property to do with what we please. Slavery might have been abolished long ago but if I have your signature we are allowed to make this arrangement." Mom said, a mischievous grin filling her face. "Of course anything you want Mom. I want to be your slave, your pet for as long as I shall live." you said Boeing down and kissing her feet. She put the large pile of paper on the table. God knows what else it said, but you didn't want to look fearing you would have second thoughts. You quickly signed off, and just like that you were now their property. Robin, Piper, Mom, and whoever else they pleased could use you at their disposal.

Many years later... "I now pronounce you man and wife." the priest said. Instead of kissing the bride on the lips you kissed her feet, much to the amusement to the crowd filling the pews. You and Robin decided that you loved each other. Your love may have been unconventional but love none the less. For the first time Robin was allowing you to penetrate her, which you saw as a great honor. You were happy and so was she. That's really all that mattered. You were property but also her love. It didn't really make sense but it worked for you. You loved Robin and would devote the rest of your life to her.

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