Her Pet

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After Robin completely humiliated you in the woods, you followed behind her until you reached your mutual cabin. She commanded you to lie down before she entered the cabin and she wiped her boots off on you, not that this was necessary because you had already licked them clean minutes earlier. You imagine she did this just because she could, you were guessing she knew you weren't going to resist especially after asking her to spit on you. You realized now that you viewed Robin as higher than you as you were sure she viewed you as below her, a bug she could crush under her giant feet at any time. She finally stepped off of you and allowed you to crawl into the cabin after her. Watching her confidently walk into the cabin and kick her boots off made you erect. You knew she had more humiliation planned for you and you were more than ready. "What do you want me to do next?" you asked Robin diligently awaiting her response. "Give me a foot massage." she said while pointing to her massive feet, the same feet that stood above you and nearly crushed you just moments earlier. You got right to work firmly pressing your hands against Robin's feet, much to her pleasure. You gave little kisses to the soles of her feet in between rubbing them hoping to stay on her good side. "I see you're getting used to your position as my pet." Robin said while laughing. "As a matter of fact, bark like a dog right now." You let out a little woof hoping this would satisfy her. "Not good enough. Do it again!" she shouted. You let out a big bark and kissed and licked her feet in between barks. "That's what I like to hear. Good doggy." she said mockingly while patting your head. Much to your surprise Robin then pulled out a leash and collar and told you to put it on yourself. You did as commanded and then handed the leash to her. "Come on doggy let's go for a walk." she said while lightly kicking your stomach. Your face turned bright red as you realized what this meant. Robin was going to completely humiliate you in front of everyone.

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