Part 28

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Tyler looked his sister over. "Hey, I didn't know you were coming up from NOLA this soon," Tyler said embracing her.

Hayley looked pass Tyler at the computer as she spoke, "Carol wanted help with dad's party, and I volunteered. What are you doing with Mason's computer?"

"Just trying to check in on the drop off for someone. Did you want to go through the albums I have for the slide show? I have a few of us," Tyler said leading Hayley out of the room.

Tyler went into the tall China closet draw and retrieved three photo albums. On the cover of one was a picture of Tyler, Hayley, and his mom at the beach.

Hayley smirked as he handed her the books. "Wow I can't believe how little we are," she laughed.

Tyler was about to respond when his phone rang.

"Thank God Tyler please say it's you," Katherine begged on the other line.

"Kat-ch up with you in a second. Just hold on." Tyler turned to Hayley. "Do you need help finding anything else?" he asked Hayley.

Hayley was already searching through the album. "I'm good," she said not looking up from her book.

"Grab me if you need me," Tyler said as he left the room. He quickly found Stefan and Kol waiting outside the door. Tyler rushed them to the parlor he locked the sliding doors and put Kat on speaker.

"Katherine are you there?" Tyler asked.

Stefan's eyes lit up with hope. "Yes, Bonnie's with me. Some psychopath name Kai is after us by now." She assured him.

The three men exchanged a look. "Do you have any idea where you are?" Kol asked.

They heard Katherine talking to someone. They heard random numbers being rattled off. "An address would do Sheldon," Katherine added. "20 miles north or Whittier creek in Alaska."

"We're coming to get you two. Give us a few hours and try to find a way to defend yourselves. Kai doesn't give up," Kol added.

"Whatever you do, do not let your guard down make sure he doesn't back you into a corner," Stefan said.

"I love you Stef."

"I love you too. I'm coming to get you," he promised.

Hayley heard what they were saying and that didn't sit well with her. It was the five-year anniversary of her father's murder and his killer wasn't going to get a happy ending. There was only one person that could help her right this wrong. She needed to get to him as soon as possible.


Rebecca drove like a bat out of hell to Damon's place in Whitmore. She, Caroline, and Freya were charge with the task of getting the home ready for their return.

"I got a text from Tyler they know where the girls are, and they are on their way to get them," Caroline exclaimed. Her heart was finally at rest knowing that her friends were coming home.

"It almost feels like we can rest easy," Freya said.

"I wouldn't. It's only a matter of time before we have to face the music. Hopefully we can spare Nick and Elijah."

"Nick will but the nail in his own coffin and there is no way Elijah won't be able to get off in a court of law if he defends himself." Freya added.

"Wow," Rebekah said as the massive house came in view.

"That is not a cozy colonial in the woods," Freya laughed at Damon's words.

Caroline laughed. "Damon was always a go big or go home type of guy."

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 20, 2021 ⏰

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