chapter 2

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Damon hated the first night. The kids would usually be okay when they had activities to do, but bedtime was a different story. The kids didn't have much to do as they tried to fall asleep, beside think. Most of them thought about their families and if they were ever going see them again. Damon thought about his mom at night. She never stopped believing he and Isobel were still alive. He kept newspaper clippings and reports that mentioned her or Isobel.

Damon could clearly remember his first night in this house. Alaric and Zachary Salvatore beat his ass so bad it hurt to breathe. He remember that pain more than anything else. Isobel took care of him all night and she song to him in Italian like their mom used to. He wasn't afraid like the other kids. He was pissed that he couldn't protect his sister. That was the one thing a brother should be able to do and he failed.

"Hey can you go check on Peter," Damon said to Tyler as he handed him a tiny espresso mug with a little hot chocolate in it.

"How about I go check on Bonnie and you deal with Peter and Mia," Tyler proposed with a smile.

Damon thought that was the worst idea in the history of ever. "How about you do what I tell you or go stay at the Mikealsons' with Stefan and Caroline."

"You're a big fat meanie," Tyler said as he bumped shoulders with Damon on purpose.

"Act your age not your shoe size."

Damon composed himself and walked into Mia's room. She was pretending to be asleep so Damon sat the mug on her nightstand. He caressed her hair then tickled her tummy.

"Stop," she begged in a fit of musical laughter.

"I was just making sure you were alive there," Damon said. "How come you're still awake?"

"I miss mommy," she whispered.

"It's okay, sometimes I miss my mommy too," Damon smiled. "You wanna know what helps me when I do?"

"What?" Mia asked as she sat up.

"Hot chocolate," Damon said giving her the mug. "It reminds me of how sweet and warm my mom is. And how sweet and warm it was to be home, and how sweet and warm I want this place to be for you guys," Damon said making her smile. "Do you think it's sweet and warm here like the hot chocolate?"

"I don't know," Mia shrugged that was the typical answer he would get.

"Well I hope you figure it out soon okay," Damon smiled. "You should get some sleep, because we have a lot of fun things to do tomorrow."

Okay," Mia smiled and hugged Damon. He didn't expect her to do that, but he made sure to squeeze her back. "Thank you Damon."

"You're welcome Mia," Damon said as he tucked her in. When he reached the door he turned back to her and said, "Goodnight tesora."


Damon walked by Bonnie's door and placed his ear to it. He could hear faint crying and didn't know if he should intrude or not. Worst case scenario he could get his head chewed off again, or he could get another inappropriate boner. Then again they did have a moment a little bit ago. Damon mull over his options for a moment or two and decided to check on her in the morning.

He went through his normal nightly routine and lit the candles at his alter. He bent over and kissed his icon of the blessed virgin and prayed. He always asked god for the same three things; faith, mercy, and peace of mind. That was all he needed in life, and he figured that was why he did what he did with a smile. He had faith in god that he'd protect the kids that left the boarding house. He knew god would have mercy on him for being a member of this family and a part of this at times cruel business. And he hoped that one day he'd be able to live with himself.

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