chapter 12

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In an outward attempt to show Bonnie that she should move on Damon decided he should be the first to since his relationship with Rebekah was getting to that point. Damon was quickly realizing Bonnie deserved Marcel. Marcel was fun, smart, handsome, and most importantly rich. He also treated Bonnie with respected and they were happy. Damon wanted that for her. For her to be happy, even if that happiness wasn't with him.

"What's up man?" Mason asked as he came into the kitchen. Damon called Mason over because he need some advice. It was the type of advice a normal guy would ask his father, but Giuseppe didn't have enough heart for this, and Stefan had a little too much.

Damon gestured for Mason to have a seat and sat across from him placing two ring boxes on the table. Mason almost gasped. He didn't expect things with Damon and Rebekah to go this far. "Which one ring A or B?" he asked. "I don't trust anyone else to keep quiet about this, and your my best friend so why not you," Damon smiled.

Ok, now I have to tell him, Mason thought as he looked at Damon. They were best friends, brothers and what he was about to say could destroy all that. "Listen man, I can't let you do this," Mason said shaking his head.

"Look I know Rebekah and I have our rocky patches, but we love each other."

"Damon seriously, just let me say this," Mason started. "You can't marry Rebekah. She's been cheating on you for a long time. Like years. In high school, when you guys were in Laos. Its been happening right under your nose," Mason said seeing Damon turn red. He knew Damon did what he felt, he was driven by emotion and now he was murder mad.

"How do you know?" Damon demanded.

"Look I wanted to tell you a long time ago, but she"-

"I don't care, how do you know?!" Damon yelled and banged his fits on the table.

Now is the time to be a man, Mason thought to himself. He created this mess and he had to clean it up. "I'm the one she's sleeping with, and I love her," Mason said just as Damon's fist came in contact with his face. Mason fell out of his chair. He didn't want to fight. He just needed to tell the truth before Damon made a mistake.

"I wanted to tell you man. You're my brother," Mason started and received in the gut this time.

Damon couldn't believe this. He trusted Mason and he had been sleeping with Rebekah the whole time. He ended things with Bonnie and let her go, for what? Maybe he was getting what he deserved. It wasn't a lie that he was a bastrad. He cheated, she cheated, they really did deserve each other. "Leave her alone," Damon demanded.

The boys were throwing each other around and destroying the kitchen. Bonnie came down to see what the hell was going on and she saw Damon punching Mason to the ground. "Damon," she yelled as she pulled him off of Mason. "What the hell is your problem?"

"Look man I'm sorry," Mason pleaded.

"Get out!" Damon yelled.

"C'mon," Mason said hoping letting Damon bet the shit out him equated to something.

"I said get the hell out," he yelled again.

Mason left and Damon flipped the table. Bonnie didn't know what was happening with Damon but she never actually saw him behave like this. Bonnie saw an opening in his destruction to hug him so she did. "It's going to be okay," she said holding him tighter.

Damon soon wrapped his arms around her and rocked her. It was something about the softness of her body and the gentle way she talked that calmed him. The raging storm in him soon subsided and they were still holding each other.

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