chapter 16

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"Katherine?" Bonnie questioned as she walked into the office to see Katherine a sleep behind Giuseppe's desk.

"Mmm," she mumbled.

Bonnie walked over to the drink cart and poured her some water. Giuseppe's favorite scotch was gone and Katherine smelt like liquor. "What were you doing?" Bonnie asked.

"Ruining our lives," she smiled.

"So you found something about Silvia?"

"She might still be alive somewhere," Katherine said.

"Oh," Bonnie said sitting down.

"I think she and Giuseppe had a thing and he might have helped her fake her death," Katherine snarled.

"So we wasted all this time for"-

"Nothing! We've got nada," Katherine said pouring them both a glass of scotch.

"We can start over," Bonnie offered deciding to drink the water instead.

"We made a deal. If this road lead to nowhere we were going to stop," Katherine reminded her.

"We'll stop if that's what you want. I want you Stefan to be happy," she smiled.

"Are you okay?"

"Yes why?" Bonnie asked as she sipped her water.

"You just seem different. Last time we spoke you really wanted to stop and now?"

"Giuseppe did something to Damon and he wants to leave. If that's going to happen I want to make sure you guys will be okay," Bonnie said placing her hand on her belly. She was a little nauseous off the potent smell of liquor oozing off of Katherine.

"Bonnie Bennett ever so loyal," Katherine groaned. "Bonnie you and Damon don't need to protect us. If you guys weren't here the sun would still rise. All of you are so co-dependent on one another that you can't fathom the thought of anyone being able to function without you," she yelled.

"I forgot it was a crime to care about your wellbeing," Bonnie teased.

Katherine snickered at her joke, "The crime isn't caring, its caring so much that you'd risk being miserable so I could be happy. Why would anyone want to live like that, knowing that their happiness came at that big of a cost?"

"I understand," Bonnie smiled.

"If you and Damon want to leave I say go for it," she smiled.

"I'll still help you if you need me too Kat," Bonnie reassured her. "I'll wait as long as I have to to help you and Stefan."

"Bon-Bon its not necessary, but greatly appreciated."

"I'll get started on the files in the attack. They're older so there might be a skeleton or two," Bonnie smiled.

"I'll keep looking in Elijah's files," she smiled.

"We make a pretty kickass team."

"I always kickass," Kat smirked and toasted to herself.

Damon and Stefan played in the backyard with Tyler and Trey a boy they just got from South Central. He was really into basketball and the Heat. He and Tyler played a game every day. Today it was Tyler and Stefan against Trey and Damon and it was pretty close.

Bonnie watched the boys from the attic window and rubbed her belly. She wasn't showing yet, but she felt like it. Knowing that there was a little life growing inside of her made Bonnie wish she ran away with Damon when he asked. Soon her little boy (or girl, but she knew it was a boy) would be out there play basketball with his daddy. Bonnie didn't want to be cut off from the rest of the family, but with Giuseppe he wanted your all, or nothing at all.

Bonnie looked around not knowing where to start. All the boxes were covered in dust and a few in cobwebs. However, there were a set of boxes in the far corner that looked newer. Bonnie's first thought was to disregard them and look for something else, but she found herself opening a box and looking through it. The first box had information on Katherine and her family. There were pictures and stats on her. Apparently, Katherine was a runaway for Fort Lauderdale. Her father was pretty abusive and she always received the blunt of his abuse.

Bonnie found herself lost in the tragedy of Katherine's life. She hadn't notice the door open. "Did you find anything yet?" Katherine asked.

Bonnie's heart raced in her chest as she looked into Katherine's eyes. "No this stuff is pretty useless," Bonnie smiled as she put the file back into the box and walked over to the older looking stack.

"Well unlike you I'm an amazing sleuth and I have dirt," Katherine smiled giving Bonnie a stack of papers.

"What is this?" Bonnie asked.

"Giuseppe's bank statements," Katherine grinned. "Always follow the money."

"Well I don't see where this trail leads," Bonnie snorted.

"There's a pattern, every month on the 27th $3,000 get with drawn in cash," Katherine said.

"And it could be for anything?" Bonnie said not seeing her point.

"The house is paid off, as are the cars, the bills get paid directly from this accounted as you can see. This money is dirty money. Why else would he withdraw such a large amount without a paper trail?"

"It could be business related," Bonnie shrugged.

"If it was the money would come from a Mikaelson account. This is important Bonnie," Katherine said spelling it out with her tone. "We need to find the leprechaun at the end of this rainbow."

"Fine," Bonnie smiled. "We can look for the person getting this money, but I think we should look for something else."

"No Bonnie this is it. This is what we need to look for."

"Okay, if you're sure."

"I am." The pair left the attic and were greeted in the kitchen by the boys and two young lays. "Who are your friends?" Katherine smiled at Tyler.

"I'm Teresa and this is my assistant and best friend Whitney," Teresa said with a wide smile.

"What happened to Stefan?" Bonnie asked.

"He's outside with my little sister catching up," Whitney said.

"Oh, how does Stefan know you're little sister?" Katherine asked and the boys looked uncomfortable.

"I'm going to pick up Hayley and Caroline from Gloria's," Tyler said already knowing he didn't want to be a witness to murder.

"What's with him?" Katherine asked.

"He knows you're a sociopath," Damon smirked.

"Damon," Bonnie warned him.

"I'm sure it can't be that bad, how does Stefan now your sister?"

"He and Melissa used to date. They were each other's first everything," Whitney smiled.

"That's not a big deal," Bonnie said with a shrug and quickly rethought her actions when Damon made his 'I'm not so sure about that' face.

"You're right Bon-Bon, he might've had good, but I give him better," Katherine grinned.

Stefan and Melissa walked into the kitchen laughing about something Melissa said. "Kat, great Melissa wanted to meet you. Lis this is Kat, Kat Lis."

"Charmed," Katherine smiled.

"Likewise," Melissa said with a nod. In that moment a declaration of war was issued and signed.

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