Chapter 7

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Louis and Legoshi looked at (Y/N) in shock and walked over to her medical bed. They watched as he sat up slowly and look at them.

"L-Louis? L-Legoshi?" She mummbled and her vision became clear. "G-Guys..."

"(Y/N). Are you okay!?" Legoshi held her soft, fragile hand gently as she gasped, her ears raising slightly.

"I'm fine..." She mummbled and noticed she had a bandage all around her neck and it felt heavy on the back of it.

"I'm surprised you survived the attack." Louis sat on the edge of the bed. "You were bleeding loads and the wounds were quite deep."

"Bill..." She growled and tried to stand up, but both animals set her down.

"You cannot walk! You're in position to! Don't be an idiot!" Louis yelled, maming her whimper in fear.

"Louis, calm down. She has been through a lo-"

"Don't you start me! You and Bill nearly killed each other out there!" Louis yelled as he got up and left.

"How long have I been out for, Legoshi?"

"About two days now. The Doctors tried their best to help you." Legoshi started to explain. "Your neck had suffered loads of damage and has somehow healed a lot over the last two days. Louis wouldn't speak a word to anybody or even show up to Drama Club. The only time he talked was went he was yelling at me and Bill before a crowd asked Louis questions."

"And what happened to Bill?"

"He was suspended from Drama Club for a month and has to clean up in the library for that month as punishment. They were going to send him to jail, but we said it was an accident because he was begging for forgiveness and he would constantly visit you every few hours." Legoshi explained the situation again.

"I see... I hate that fucking tiger." She gritted her teeth. "Legoshi?"

"Huh? Yeah?" He leaned down to look at her face. He kinda wanted to feel it to see how soft her face was, but his mind was mainly around Haru.

"Can you help me to Louis? I must see him immediately." (Y/N) looked at him seriously as he nodded and grabbed a cone. "What's that for?"

"It has to go around the bottom of your neck so you can't try to remove the bandages and scratch the area or it'll open the stitches and some wounds there. It was ordered by the Doctors."

"Ok..." Legoshi gently put his arms aroums her neck, clicking the cone on her as she felt dumb. "Thanks Legoshi..." She smiled a little as he helped her stand, supporting her weight easily as they left to find Louis.


Louis was in his room, leaning on the window sill, window wide open as he sighed, feeling heated. He groaned. He wanted to see (Y/N) again. These urges. He was dating Haru though he couldn't do such a thing, but he has heard the rumors of her doing 'stuff' with other boys, and Legoshi seems to be into her.

"Fuck..." He groaned as his pants tightened. "Not now please..." He then heard a knock on the door, making him gasp and walk to it. He looked down first to see that his tent has gone before opening the door. "Legoshi? (Y/N)? What're you guys doing here?"

"(Y/N) needed to talk to you about something important, so I've brought her here for you." The wolf told him as the deer helped the female inside. "I'll see you later." The wolf then walked away. Louis closed the door and sat (Y/N) on his bed.

"It's clean in here." She examined the room which was big enough for two, possibly three.

"I do have senses to keep stuff in check." He sat by her. "What did you need to tell me?" His leg was pretty much healed, but still had a cast on his for support.

"I'm sorry for being defensless." This shocked the male. "If I didn't leave the building, Bill wouldn't have been suspended and I wouldn't be in such condition. I look ugly with this damn cone on my neck!" She yelled the last part and started to sob.

"Calm down..." Louis spoke quietly, but it didn't work.

"How can I calm down!?" She stood up with a very obvious limp. "I was attacked twice by the same person! He hurt me! I wanted revenge, but he was stronger! I'm weak! Helpless! A nobody! I should come back where I came from when I was young!" She screamed, and he stood up and hugged her, making her gasp, the cone being push by his antlers as his head was dipped down on her shoulder.

"Where did you come from, (Y/N)?"

"I can't tell you Louis... You wouldn't believe me..." She kept sobbing.

"You can tell me anything..."

"I came from... The Black Market." His froze him. "When I born, I was taken from my parents... shoved in a cage with small Herbivore children like me. At the age of four some Deer bought me for a very high price and I lived under their roof until they kicked me out for not getting all A's and best stages. Now I am here, living here alone..." She cried harder. "They were going to take me back, Louis. I was going to be put on some shelf for a Carnivore to enjoy! I wouldn't been killed if I didn't run away!"

"(Y/N)..." He held her close, feeling sorry for her since his past was near enough the same. "I know how you feel."

"No you wouldn't!" She moved away from him. "You wouldn't know how it was like to live at the Black Mar-" She saw the look in his eyes and realised. "Oh..." She looked away ashamed. "I'm sorry, Louis. I'm glad you're safe from that horrible place."

"It's okay, it's okay. I understand your pain." He smiled a little, holding his hand out for hers. She grabbed it and smiled, before leaning into him, both falling on the bed with a soft thump. "May I take off your cone?" She nodded as he carefully took it off and placed it aside. "Your fur was shaved on the back of your neck, still feels really soft though."


"Yeah because of the wounds." He nodded as she began to freak out, but he pulled her down as their lips collided. They had their eyes closed as they made out for a few minutes as he foot gently tapped his injured ankle, making him hiss.


"It's fine, (Y/N). Let's continue."

"C-Continue what?" His hands moved the the bottom of her shirt and up to her soft, fluffy stomach. "L-Louis~" She moaned quietly. "I can't do this today... I'm not ready and I am tired."

"That's fine." He smiled, feeling kind of gutted at the fact they couldn't get close, but he understood her. His hands still roamed her stomach as she let him. "You have a very soft stomach, (Y/N)."

"I know." She smiled and layed on him genty, closing her eyes. His arms wrapped around her as he closed his eyes too, falling asleep with her.

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