Day 0.9 (The "Blacksmith of Steel")

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After Y/N shot 3 to 5 targets for Practice, Hartman then gave him more info about other guns and such.

Y/N was about to try out the SMG type of training gun, But the recoil is still much for him to even handle, So he exited the armory to walk towards the.. "Blacksmith of Steel" instead, Where armor were made for contracts, outside field-scouting and of course: Mercenary stuff and selling to other companies who focus on Combat... Stuff.

Elise and Y/N walked through the automated door, Entering the almost sized room where tons of armour could be inspected.
Infact.. Almost ALL of them look the same. Except the linings, Eye symbols on helmets and even CAPES!... Rabbits really like decorating their own armour.

???: 'Ah... And what do we have here?'

Y/N and Elise looked at the person, He's wearing the same leg armour of one of the Rabbits, Except he's wearing a white tank top and his shoulders are almost covered in tattoos. His muscles are very athletic since he works on armour and smiths much, as well working out his endurance for his own contract.

His skin is paler than Y/N's, Hair is dark brown, And his eye colour are yellow. Kinda threatening already.
And he would be sitting on a chair behind a desk, Modifying his Rabbit helmet that has large ears and angry eyes.

Xander: 'Name's Xander. Sergeant Xander Valdermal. At your service... Now, What's your name, Kid?'

Both of Elise and Y/N walked up towards him, Y/N gave him a bit pissed face emotion.
Y/N: 'I'm Y/N L/N, And I'm not a kid-'

Xander: 'Ehh, First Rankers I always call'em kids... Because they're most youngest and inexperienced dudes and girls I've met... And ALL of them went through here for their own armour... Some didn't speak, Some just went okay with it. Now, I assume that you're the first timer around these parts, So I'll get over with it...'

Standing up from his own desk, He walked out from it before standing infront of the showcase of a test armour set, The normal one, Yet for showcases.

Xander cleared his throat before started explaining:
'This is our MV-3.0, AKA: ModelVersion-3.0. The most current, BEST, Medium armour set for our Rabbits to be using to save their own skin from dangers.
It has both warm and cooling linens, Reinforced Dark-Iron plating, Shoulder pads of lightweight for tactically situations. Legs that modified with Dark-Iron plating, Support own-system to make you run faster and keep you balanced. Boots that will ignore ANY terrain and will make you jump high like a Rabbit... -Ish.
AND the large neck-guard that its a whole system of the armour. Keeping the energy-shielding on AND your neck for white, dark, red and other energies to be yeeted off by the shield. But if it broke, It can still be recharged if not in combat for some time... As long it doesn't get broken for 100%, That is.'

'And, Capes. Capes presents the ranks. Like our Commander-in-Battalion: Myo, Has her own cape with 3 Orange stripes that presents her own and the Company itself with a Bunny skull-gas mask on the Center of it... And it will try to deflect bad effecting lights and bullets that will fling off at a chance.'

'Capes will be awarded to the NCOs, But it will be smaller ones while COs will get standard capes.'

Finally explained, Y/N understood the most except the some about the shoulder pads and stuff, With a small confusing face.
Elise would giggle from it, Making him shake his head.

Y/N: 'S-So what about customization on the armour sets?'

Xander: 'That can be quickly arranged with orange linings on armour- That most of us Rabbits use it to show off as we, From Company-R... The symbol on the neck guard with a Rabbit-mask skull, Lines on helmet AND eyes that can be switched unto either normal, angry or sad.

Elise: 'To be honest, You really should not tell ALL of it to him. He'll have a headache after this, Ya know?'
Elise moved unto Y/N's left, Making Xander to look at him.

Xander: 'Well every Rabbits HAVE to hear ALL of these, You know! I'm still sticking unto my explanations and such... Now, The calculation and your own armour set...

What would you want it to be?'

Y/N: 'Well... I guess I want-'

(That's for you to decide about adding or removing decorations from your armour set. If you don't know how, Google the Rabbit on Lobotomy Corporation Google!)

After the needs, Xander then nodded in confirmation, pulling out his notepad to write it everything down.
'... Alright, I'll do those once I'm done with your armour... Stand over by the pad, Please.'

Y/N walked towards the pad, Standing on it before looking at him.

Xander then placed his notepad away into his pockets, Pulling out the body calculation machine unto him, Scanning him before getting full Y/N's height and weight. (That's for you to decide as well. Minimum height would be 6'3 [Edit: Fixed. It was 6'8 so.. I decide to make it a bit lower. Edit-Note came from: 9/26/2021.] while weight would be on 75 KG minimum... As well don't make it too many!)

Done, He removed the machinery away before Y/N walked off from the pad.

Xander: 'Alrighty, You'll get your armour once you get your first rank and getting yourself a dorm. I'll send it towards you once its done. For the meanwhile, You should look for the Ranking Centre to get yourself welcomed and then a dorm by Elise!'

Elise simply smiled at Y/N, Making him to look at her and smile back, Then he sighed of relief from hearing all of the explaining.
Y/N: 'Alright... We both need to move anyway, Time is like already.. Eleven PM...'

Xander: 'Oh, Right... Cya if you wanna come back to my store!'

Xander and Elise waved at him, Before leaving the store through the automated door, Leaving him alone.

Xander: '... Now, Unto to make 39 thousand time armour set...'

(PERFECTLY 10031 WORDS. Wowiee, I'm kinda getting a hang of this! Two times today, Well deserved for tomorrow's final chapter!

See you at the Ranking Centre, Rabbit!

-Staff Sergeant Balgruuf)

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