Day 0.3 (The Company R)

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After almost 20 minutes of 'Messed' up conversation, Y/N and the 'Rabbit' finally went inside the gate, Also closing it behind them.

After the gate closes, They would meet Elizabeth again, But this time is face to face.

|| Y/N's PoV ||

Eliza: "Alright, So..."

She would take a slight step back, Then she releases her arms into the air.

Eliza: "Welcome to the Company R! Where we're Mercenary Rabbits!"

Y/N: "Oh? Then where's 'Your' Combat armour then?"
I asked her, While i was examining her suit.

Her entire suit is black, But her band is orange and her '1-Stripped' pants are orange as well.

Eliza: "Oh, Well..."

She would rub her right arm with his left hand.

Eliza: "W-We have 3 or 4 different jobs around here BUT, Our main job is the Mercenary, Which is like this Rabbit."

She would point at the 'Rabbit', That's listening to our conversation, The 'Rabbit' blinked when she points at her.

Y/N: "...Does it have a Male version?"

I asked her, While I was bit confused about the Combat suit.

Eliza: "It has both versions, So don't worry about it!"

She would lean closer to my left ear for no reason.

Eliza: "But only you might find a few 'Naughty' spots..."

When she finished her line, I started thinking about that, Also looking at the 'Rabbit's' "Spot"

Y/N: "W-Don't make me horny, I've seen much about them so don't make me embarrassed AGAIN." I said that kinda loud.

I quickly snapped my Pervert status and then i let out a slight loud sigh.

Elize: "I-I'm sorry... Anyway! Lets take you to your own living quarter!"

'Rabbit': "I'll move on then, Farewell."

The rabbit would also bow her head on us, Then began walking.

We both moved as well, Heading deeper inside the Facility, Through the elevators.

Eliza: "Here we are... Our main hub!"

We both are standing on the entrances, Lots of 'Rabbits' around there, Some of them has an helmet on, Some of them don't, Mostly because they want to eat or reveal their face.

The hub contains Cafeteria, Meeting Area or "Gathering Place" as i call it and it has a few logistics shops as well.

Y/N: "Cool! It has so much space that i can walk for ten or twenty minutes to walk!"

I looked on the distances and around, But we kept walking, Still following her.

Eliza: "Here's our Cafeteria, We mostly give out your and other custom made food that you want, But we also give out our made food as well."

Y/N: "Oh? Like what?"

Eliza: "Oh, You know, Carrots, Any veggies that we give out, We also make meat dishes, But only on one day that we pick."

Y/N: "Well that sucks, Anyway, We should continue."

Few Rabbit women also waved at me, I waved at them back.

Eliza: "Alright, Lets move on~" She said that while moving

(This is the part where I lost my motivation, But now I'm back BABY-)

Then We had to visit a few more places, Supply, Extraction, Hospital and more...

Then we finally reached towards the Dorm part.

Eliza: "Here we are!"
She opened his new dorm "Your new home!"

Y/N: "Huh.. Looks kinda.. Different."

Eliza: "Yeah, All with the Colors, But you will manage it anyway!"

Y/N: "I hope so..." He tries out the bed, It felt comfy

He also checked out small kitchen, As well the Living room

Y/N: "Wait, This looks like an regular High School dorm..."

Eliza: "Well, Rabbits here are.. Part of this Company, So we're trying to comfort them as we can!"
She sounds like she's trying to lie, But he didn't figure out the lie part anyway

Y/N: "Sure... Alright, Sounds good, I'll take this 'Job'"

Eliza: "Amazing! Now sign here and we'll start making some Rabbit documents for you, And you will be part of Company R!"
She excitedly hands over the Signing document, You know, You only need to put your signature to confirm.

He does that and then smiles at her
Y/N: "There."

She smiles, Also moves back a bit

"Welcome to The Company R!"

Those word have been on my mind after I hear it.. It supposed to be an regular Job...

Turns out, It was an Mercenary Job.

The 'Rabbit' story (Lobotomy Corporation)Where stories live. Discover now