Day ??? (Anger Management, Horrible grades... And invitation)

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Just after his young age, He grew too much, To be a Teen (15-17), Next to Adult.

But then, His life became even more Horrible, Bad grades, Anger Management because the bullies from his old School...

No wonder why his life became more shittier.

During his days at the School, He was following up the studies that he needs to fix them, That might fix his grades, For now...

Y/N: And... There, Finished.

Y/N fixed the math problem on his book, Finally finishing his last homework.

Y/N: Now, Just only few weeks and I'm done...

Saying that means he's finishing the college in a next week or so, Whenever he went to the college very early, Or little late.

???: Hey, Are you done?

Y/N looked at his side, Noticing his teach (An male).

Y/N: Yeah, I'm done, Here.

He handed his math book to the Teacher, Now waiting for his teach to finish the examination.

Teacher: It seems that you've grew too smart now Y/N, Good job.

Y/N would smile at the Teach, Also going to respond.

Y/N: Thank you, Teach.

Teacher: Now, You may think that the Exam might be easy, But sadly, It isn't.

Y/N: What are you talking about, Teach?

Teacher: I'm saying: You're going to learn A LOT in order to pass the exam, Y/N, Such as Mathematics, Biology and-

Y/N: Alright, Fine...

Y/N took his Biology, Mathematics and more things to his bag, Then started walking towards his room.

But, Just as he's going to open a door to his dorm, His old Bully would block him.

Bully: Remember me, Punk?

Y/N: *Sigh* Alex, We talked about this-

Alex: I don't give a flying fuck, Now give me your bag.

Y/N held his bag close.

Y/N: Bugger off, You cunt.

Alex threw a quick punch, But Y/N quickly dodges to his left side.

Alex: I said: GIVE ME THE BAG.

Y/N: How about no...

Y/N kicked Alex's stomach, Then he shoves him to the wall, Making him almost stumble himself.

Y/N: You cruel Irish bastard.

Alex: F-Fine...

Alex then continues walking, While holding his recently bruises.

Y/N then walks inside to his dorm, Drops his bag at his bed, Then starts changing into his everyday outfit.

Y/N: Bullies these days...

He would sit on a chair, And starts leaning on it, Putting his feet with socks on a pillow.

He would then starts resting on his chair...

Until he heard a bang on his window

Y/N: Huh?

He stood up, Then walks up to his window, Noticing a crack.

Y/N: Did somebody just threw a rock at my window...

Then, Just as he turned around, Another bang from his window.

Y/N: Fucking-

He would open the window, Putting his head outside.


But just as he would look around, He noticed an envelope, Below his window.

Y/N: Huh...

He would pick it up, Then pulls his head inside, Closing the window.

He then sat down on his bed, Opening the envelope with pair of scissors

After he opened it, He would pull out an note, With an orange bunny head, while the background of it are black. (The icon, Not the whole note)

The note says:

   "Dear Y/N, If you're reading this, Then that means you have been selected to be our 'Employee' on the Company R! By the time after you finished your college, Please call this number so we'll pick you up in no time! However, You must keep this secret, We don't want any people tracking this or something, Anyway, Congratulations for being selected for the Company Rabbits!"
Signed - Elizabeth
PS: Here's the number for our phone! = ( Numbers... )

The words are almost un-readable, But they still added black words to easily read it.

Y/N: I'm getting the job THAT fast? Huh...

He would take a note the numbers through his phone, So by the time after he finishes the college, He will call them.

Y/N: Now, What else i can do- Oh right, Studies.

He takes a big sigh and then pulls out a few biology things from his bag, Then begins to study them on his table.

The 'Rabbit' story (Lobotomy Corporation)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें