SneakPeak_Chapter 9. Run, Baby, Run

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"No question. Just do as I say! Hurry!" He rushed me.

Alright, Ivan-whore. Whatever. Well, me and my friends used to call him 'Ivan-whore' back at school because Ivan used to sleep around so much. Before that, we called him, 'Ivanhoe' but since he was such a douche bag, we changed it to 'Ivan-whore' instead. Hahahaha! Old-time memories... I quickly pack up my bags. I got nothing much brought with me anyway. Just things to wear and my toothbrush... God, I wonder why he is in such a hurry anyway.

I saw Ivan is looking out the window anxiously. Then, I saw panic streaks on his face as he said; "Fuck. They're here." Who's here actually? But then I also felt that surge of panic as he urges me out of the apartment. "Go go go go go," he said as he pushes me. We use the stairs. We move down the stairs really quickly. I feel like fainting... I think I know now why Ivan is mad. The Dead End... They must be here. They must've traced my call to Brandon. Fuck. I was such an IDIOT!


*Told from Jeremy Jefferson's point of view

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