(M) Chapter 11. Fatal Attraction (Part 2)

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~20.07.2013, 12.30 p.m., IVAN HENDRIK~

Shit. I rammed him without thinking. Unlike girls, his part must've been drier, right? I'm such an asshole. I should've used a lubricant or something like that. ... ... No! For Fuck's sake, why the hell am I even thinking about all that? It's not like I'm going to go fuck him again... right? ... ... ...

Nooo! I'm NOT gay. No way in hell I'll ever be gay! Just no! But does it even matter? It does feel good fucking him though.

Damn those pouty lips... soft shiny hair... innocent tempting eyes... his laughs... he's even cute when he's complaining... ... ... Wait. WHAT?! ARGHHHH!!! I'm sooo fucking gay right now! NOOOO!!! I can't even get the sound of his moaning from last night out of my head! Fuck! This is what you get for being such an arrogant ass bastard, Ivan! Wow... Karma... is such a bitch!

Good Lord... I can't get the memories of last night out of my head...!

Why does it feel so fucking good?


~20.07.2013, 5.45 a.m., IVAN HENDRIK~


The bar is open 24-7 from what I heard... No rest. And look... It's early morning but people are still partying. They're dancing and having fun. This is crazy! But we're only here for a few drinks and then we'll head back. "Vodka. No ice," I ordered.

Jeremy butts in beside me on my left. Ugh! Annoying thing... "Orange juice, please..." Jeremy ordered. Orange juice? I give him a dirty look. "I don't drink beer," Jeremy said to me. I crook my eyebrows like I was saying to him 'seriously?' "It's not healthy," Jeremy added. Uh! Fuck him and his health-freak issues! I look over to Jeremy's side and I notice that there's a brunette-haired lady sitting beside Jeremy on his left. She's quite a catch. I smile at her and she smiles back. Pretty thing... Oh... she also ordered an orange juice. How nice... I don't like women all drunk. They're... messy.

Jeremy was looking over at the performer on the stage and sips his orange juice a little as he places it back down on the bar table. I turn to look at the performer too. He's singing some oldies song. When I look back at the girl, I saw her talking to someone else. A tall handsome man who seems to be in his thirties... Oh, she's taken. Well, whatever.

I was about to look away when I notice something strange. Wait a minute! That guy is pouring something into the girl's drink! He's doing all that while diverting her attention to his cell phone. What a dirty tactic! I won't let him get away with this! I quickly lean over a little and switch her drink with Jeremy's without them noticing me. That's okay. I'll warn Jeremy about this later. They are now turning back around to the bar table so I quickly look away.

It was only five seconds. What the hell? When I turn back, I saw that Jeremy had already taken the drink from the table and sips an awful lot of amount from the glass. Shit! I open my mouth to say something to him but close it back in utmost bafflement. Yikes! How do I explain this now? Jeremy then looks at me strangely. "What?" He asked.

"What?" I asked him back.

"You were looking at me weirdly," he said.

"Oh, nothing," I said and rub my head a little. Fuck. What am I to say to him?

"Erm..." I heard him mumble something as he suddenly got all weak and was about to fall. I support his arms and hold him back up. "Ivan?" He asked.

"Yeah. Are you okay?" I asked him. Damn! I better get him out of here.

"I feel funny," he said. He then laughs a little like a drunken man. What was that substance the guy poured anyway?! I hope it's not cyanide! I lift him up, left some money on the table and drag him out of the bar.

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