SneakPeak_Chapter 21. Confession

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I lower my gun without me even realizing it. Jeremy snorts at me, understanding that I will not shoot him.

He turns around and about to jump when I finally have the strength in me to say something. "Yellow!" I screamed.

There's a puzzle look on his face as he turns around to look back at me. "What?" he asked, looking slightly annoyed.

And I say, or rather rumble, all the things that cross my mind at that very moment of time. "That's the color of your pencil back at school. It matches your hair color. Your mom gave it to you. She worked at a pencil factory. You always bite the end of it when you're thinking. Your eyes will get smaller a little when you smile or when you winced in pain when I hit you. Your hair smelled like a mixture of fruits. Y-... your... I don't know. What else?" I think it's obvious how worry-sick I am now. I blurted all of them inconsistently, like a mad man rumbling.


*Told from Ivan Hendrik's point of view

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