Part 2 - The message back

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shit... I thought as I stared at him currently typing back. I didn't want to look at my phone at all. I turned my phone off and placed it on the bedside table, but I heard the notification go off.

"im not looking" I said

"you have tooooo" Chelsea and Chloe said in unity

"ugh fine" I said rolling my eyes

I slowly picked up my phone, turned it on and went to instagram. I slowly tapped onto his dm and I read Out loud
"he said hi thank you, I think I just liked your tiktok didn't I?"

"Oh my god, he remembers!" Chloe said

"what should I reply with?!" I said passing Chelsea the phone

"mhmmm let's say 'yes :)) thats me, hows your morning been?'" Chelsea said

before I could agree, she had already sent it.

"Chelsea what the hell"
I grabbed my phone back from her and waited for a response.

*on instagram*

Azngami: it's been pretty good, just been chilling with the boys at the house :) what about you?

Aera: Same! just woke up from my bestfriends birthday party last night.

Azngami: tell her I said happy late birthday

Aera: I will! what are you up to the rest of the day?

Azngami: probs gonna get some lunch then relax since it's my day off today

*back to irl*
Ryan and I talked back forth for the remainder of the afternoon while I was cleaning the house, going back to my own and then I ended up just texting him for the rest of the night before we said goodnight to each other.

*the next morning*

I woke up in my bed and grabbed my phone from the bedside table. i went on to tiktok to discover more likes and follows coming my way. I decided to post a draft I had of me dancing to Doja Cats Woman. This was when I got another message from Ryan.

*on instagram*

Azngami: Hey, we're having a party at the house tonight if you'd like to come, you can bring some friends!

Aera: I'd love to :)) what time and where?

Azngami: at 7pm and *insert address*

Aera: great ill see you there :)

*off instagram*

shortly after our brief talk I rang Chloe and Chelsea from our group chat.

"girls guess what" I said still excited

"what?" they said

"Ryan invited us to his party tonighttttttttt" I said smiling

"omg when when" Chelsea asked

"at 7pm bitches, I'll pick Youse up around 6:30" I said winking through the phone and abruptly hung up before they could ask more questions

it was currently 12pm so I had plenty of time till the party and decided to spend this by going shopping for a new outfit for the party.

Since it was a more casual party I decided to shop for a more basic outfit  yet one that still stood out. I ended up buying:

by the time I got back it was already 4pm

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by the time I got back it was already 4pm. I decided to spend the rest of my time doing my makeup and hair.

I left my hair out and straightened it as I was too lazy and running out of time to do anything else. however for my makeuo I ended up with this:

 however for my makeuo I ended up with this:

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cute yet simple. once I was done getting ready, it hit 6:20pm so I decided to hop into my car and pick up the girls. once picking them both up I put the address into my navigator and off we went.

Once we arrived, I was so nervous to go in. We could hear music bursting from the front of the house. I parked my car on the other side of the road. Chloe said she wasn't drinking tonight so I told her she could drive us all home.

We approached the front door and I knocked.

to my surprise, Oliver opened the door

"Oh you made it, hi Aera and friends" he said smiling while gesturing us to come in.

I put my alcohol on the table and grabbed one out before moving to where the action was.

I went into the living room to find a mix of boys and girls all chatting and having fun. I decided to sit next to Oliver as he gestured for me too. I had no clue where Chelsea or Chloe had ran off too so he was my safest bet.

"I saw your tiktok, I'm glad you could make it" he said cheering with my can in my hand

"thank you, I like your tiktoks too" I said smiling back at him. we sat on a beanbag together for about 10 minutes talking back and forth before I spotted Ryan across the other side of the room. He was sitting with Darren and two girls. We made eye contact from across the room and I smiled at him and he briefly smiled back before he went back to his conversation.

ouch I thought

"how old are you?" Oliver asked

"im 19" I said smiling at him

"let me show you something" he said grabbing my arm. I followed him without hesitation as he dragged my arm out to the pool area (pretend it's their old house with the pool 😫). The moon was reflected in the water, I was admiring it for about 10 seconds before Oliver pushed me in.

"you did not" I said grabbing his arm to pull him in after me. after he had fell in more people came into the backyard, including Ryan.

"hey" I said as he approached the pool

"hi" he said staring back at me

it wasn't long before I pulled him in as well, he smiled at me when he arose from the water and I went on to splash him in the face. we decided to play chicken fight. I was on Ryan shoulders and Chelsea was on Regie's.

"ready...set... GO!" Sebastian screamed

and we were off, it took about 2 minutes until I finally managed to push Chloe off and won the fight. Ryan let me off his shoulders and proceeded to hug me. I was shocked but I hugged him back

"good fight out there" Ryan said as he grabbed my hand to help me out of the pool

"of course, couldn't lose against Chelsea" we both laughed

"follow me, let's go get some dry clothes" he said

Ryan led me to his bedroom where he grabbed me a towel.

"here" he said with a smile as he passed me a jumper and some comfy shorts to wear.

"thank you" I said smiling

I proceeded to go into the corner of the room, not thinking as I may have drunk a little and proceeded to dry myself and take my clothes off. I had completely forgotten he was there yet when I was done, I turned around and he had his hands covering his face.

"you're cute" I said sitting next to him.

honestly didn't know what I was writing that entire time but I hope you enjoy lmao ♡

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