part 11 - moving dayyyy

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Moving day had finally come around and I had told told girls all about the plans for them to move in with us so we could create youtube videos and tiktok amd hopefully grow our social media as much as the boys.

I was back at my house in which so was Ryan who volunteered to help me  pack everything up as someone new would be moving in next week. we had been here for 3 hours already and surprisingly we had gone through quite alot. all that was left was all my clothes.

Ryan and I was sorting through it in which we'd pick pieces I'd throw out and make a pile of ones I was keeping.

"what about these?" he said smiling mischievously as he held up a red lingerie set, he made me giggle as I ripped it from his hand

"I think I'd like to keep that one actually" I said smiling and putting it in the keeping pile. he just kept giggling to himself as he moved on to my tshirt draw instead as he thought that was more of a personal decision.
quotes hour passed and we were finally done and all my belongings were finally in the truck ready to be taken away.

"well that was tough" he said wrapping his hands around my waist from behind.

"atleast it's over now, let's go donate these then head back to the house to help" I said taking his hand and walking over to our not keeping arrangements.

(time skip to back at the house)

most of the boys had nearly finished all the packing as Ryan had done his the day before and so had the others. we moved in tomorrow and our trucks would be waiting for us there so all we had left was our mattress's so we decided to have a big sleepover in the lounge room with all our mattress's side by side. I was sharing a bed with Ryan but Oliver and regie were right beside us.

"anyone want some popcorn?" I said as I walked down the stairs as I had just finished showering, I had a big tshirt on not knowing whose it was I just found it and some boxers underneath.

"meeeeee" all the boys shouted in unity. I heated up about 5 packs in the microwave as I knew they'd eat alot. regie came to help

"nice shirt" he said

"is it yours?" I said smiling at him

"it sure is, looks good on you" he said smiling back at me as he grabbed bowls down from the cupboard.

regie helped me pour all the popcorn into bowls so it was even for everyone and no one would complain.

"what movie do we want to watch?" Oliver said

"I have no clue" Darren replied cuddling with toastie

Oliver and seb scrolled through all of them together in search for the perfect movie in which we ended up on the amazing spiderman.

"Andrew Garfield is so hot" I said while stuffing my face with popcorn.

"I agree" most said in agreement, I just giggled. as the movie came to an end my eyes slowly drifted as I cuddled with Ryan under the blankets. he kissed my forehead goodnight and that's the last thing I remember before falling asleep.

"AHHHH" I jolted awake at 3am in the morning to the worst nightmare I've ever had. Oli woke up to but no one else seemed too.

"im so sorry, I just had a bad dream" I said as Ryan rolled over the other way still sleeping

"it's okay, come here" oli said as he hugged me out of comfort.

"go back to sleep" he said running his fingers through my hair. I closed my eyes while hugging oli and before I knew it I was sleeping.

"what the fuck man" I heard silently as I begun to wake up slowly.

"she had a bad dream and you were still asleep I could see the tears in her eyes man, I had too" I could hear oli say as I still rest on his body, I opened my eyes and rolled off of oli immediately. Ryan just stared angrily at Oli.

"im sorry" I said

sorry if this update is doo doo
love you all 💞💞
send ideas through in my dms!!

The day I went viral - AzngamiWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt