part 6 - oh no

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tonight was an uneventful night, me and Ryan just cuddled and slowly drifted to sleep together. I woke up a few times as he moved around the bed but other then that I had a pretty peaceful sleep. it was around 9am when I woke up completely and went into the bathroom and fixed myself up before Ryan woke up. I went back into bed and started scrolling on my phone when I realised, mine and ryans tiktok had completely blown up and had over 1 million likes. I literally shook him awake.

"RYAN LOOK" I said as he stared at me half asleep rubbing his eyes. he sat up and grabbed my phone he looked at how many likes the tiktok had and how many followers I had gained, he smiled at me and hugged me.

"im proud" he said patting my back

I looked through all the comments most said

'who is she?'

'why is she with Ryan?'

I decided to stop looking after it kept getting worse and worse yet I decided to post a tiktok me and my friends had filmed when they were at my house and posted it tagging them in the caption.

"what do you wanna do today?" I asked Ryan as I got up from the bed and changed into the clothes I had brought.

"wanna go out and get breakfast with the boys? we sorta said we would this morning" he said scratching the back of his head. I just stared at him as he got up from the bed and approached me and gave me a hug.

"ill make you breakfast next time" he said resting his head in the crevice of my shoulder.

"fineeee" I said hugging him back tightly. we both got ready to leave and sorted out which car we would go in. I ended up with oliver driving then me Ryan and Justin and in the other car was Sebastian driving and kane, regie and Darren as the passengers as we made our way to get something for breakfast. Once we had arrived we all began piling out of the car and made our way to sit at a massive table. I was sat between oliver and Ryan and the rest filled out the remaining seats surrounding us.

"what are you in the mood for?" Oliver said nudging my arm.

I smiled at him while I said "mhmm pancakes?!?!" he laughed then said

"that's exactly what I was gonna get" he said placing the menu down

"I want mine with fruit, what do you want Ryan?" I asked but when I faced towards him he seemed a lil upset

"ill have what your having" he said giving me a weak smile. I looked at him confused yet he just looked away. I shrugged it off for now. Oliver placed our order for the whole table and we waited around 20 minutes before they began bringing out plates of food to us. I smiled brightly at the waiter as he placed my pancakes with fruit right in front of me and I began eating right away. I fed Ryan some from my spoon as so did he with his pancakes, the rest of the boys just laughed at us.

"did you enjoy your pancakes?" Oliver asked me

"of course" I said standing up to go back to the car as did everyone else.

"do you want to film a YouTube video with us today Aera?" Justin asked but it sounded like the rest of the boys had forced him to ask.

"depends what it is" I said

"we were gonna play dare cup, you down?" he replied

"sure!" I said excitedly, Ryan seemed happy too as he placed his arm around me.

once we got back we set up the dare pong table and poured little bits of alcohol into each cup and placed dares underneath them. once we were set up they filmed they intro and introduced me I just waved at the camera repeating my name as they just said. We got a fair way into the video before I got a dare.

I read it out loud "kiss the person to your left" I turned to my left slowly and guess who...yep


"nope" I said simple but the boys begged and begged me. I looked at Ryan and he just smiled. I didn't know what to do.

As you can see oliver is going to cause problemssssssss and also the tiktok w friends may turn into something 😳 hehe

The day I went viral - AzngamiWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt