Part 3 - Staying over

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"you're cute" I said sitting next to him

He slowly removed his hands from over his eyes and smiled at me.

"so are you" he said as soft as possible

"ill be right back" he told me as he got up from the bed and headed towards the bathroom with his clothes in hand.
I threw myself back onto the bed blushing. I could hear the shower water start to run and decided to get under the blankets and play on my phone until he got back.

10 minutes had passed before the water had stopped and the door opened.

"that was quick" I said looking up from under the covers

"I didn't want to keep you waiting" he said as he turned the light off yet left the LEDs on. He headed straight towards me and got into the bed right next to me, my heart began racing a little bit as I could feel his body right next to mine. I turned my head and made eye contact with him; he was already smiling at me making me blush, again. I rolled over out of embarrassment and before I knew it I felt his arms wrap around my waist and his head resting on my back.

"stay with me tonight?" he said running his fingertips up and down my waist.

"of course" I said putting my phone down onto the bed side table next to me. I moved back against Ryan more and closed my eyes. I could still feel his fingertips running up and down my waist and my arm.

"goodnight" he said in his tired voice

"goodnight ryan" I said back softly

he then wrapped his arms back around my waist snuggly and we both began to drift to sleep.

*wake up time 😎*

I could hear the sounds of birds chirping and felt the sunlight hitting my eyes. I could still feel his arms wrapped around me, I slowly turned around so we were face to face which woke him up.

"good morning" I said rubbing my eyes

"mhm good morning" he said as he stretched out his arms, legs and back. he pulled me in so my head was resting on his chest.

"what do you wanna get for breakfast?" he asked me while he placed a soft kiss onto my forehead.

"im down for anything" I said looking up at him. he smirked at me as I said 'anything', without warning he placed me on top of his lap.

"anything?" he said with that sly smirk still plastered on his face. he leaned in and so did i and before I could process what was happening, he kissed me. His soft lips intertwined with mine for about a minute before I pulled away.

"my breath is disgusting isn't it?" I asked embarrassed as I hadn't brushed my teeth since yesterday morning.

"mines just as bad" he said smiling up at me. I hoped off his lap and rose from the bed checking my phone.

*on phone*

Chelsea: where are you Aera?

Chloe: were heading back home in your car, you gave me the keys its your fault

Aera: I'm so sorry I dissapeared last night guys :/

chelsea: what'd you get up to hey?

Aera: ill tell you later ;)

*back to irl*

"what are you in the mood to eat?" Ryan said with his arms resting behind his head.

Sorry for such a short chapter only 570 words compared to my usual 1000 but I wrote this at 4am 😹
also thank you for all the support cuties xx

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