"What happened?"

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The next morning they find themselves cuddling in Jane's Bed, both hungover as shit.  Alice carefully gets up trying not to wake up Jane. She looks around the dorm to  try to remember what happened and finds an empty wine bottle on the table, two wine glasses, and a pair of wet white undies. "fuck, ima go take a shower" she undresses and gets into the shower.  

Time skip ~~~
Alice gets out of her shower and wraps her hair in a towel. as she gets out she smells nutella pancakes. Jane is in the kitchen making pancakes. "Good morning."  Alice says from behind jane, scaring her. "oh good morning, i made pancakes." She smiles.  They sit down at the table and dig in.  Jane stares at Alice with her baby blue eyes. "Why are you staring at me?"  Alice asks in a grumpy voice, clearly annoyed. "Are you seriouly gonna pretend you dont remember what happened last night?" jane giggles. i dont need to pretend, because i  seriously dont remember. Janes Smile fades. "What do you mean you don't remember?" alice raises an eyebrow. "I don't know, i was hella drunk why the fuck would i remember anything." Jane gives her a concerned face "alice, i orgasmed because of you twice what do you mean you don't remember.?"
Alice stays silent. "We hooked up didn't we?" Alice asks. Jane nods. "fuck. We're best friends Jane. " Alice sighs and simply goes into her room, as Jane still sits there.

Time skip~~~~
Chemistry starts soon and Alice has to get her stuff from her locker, where an unexpected guest appears,Alice's Ex Girlfriend. "Heyy Alii, How have you been? " "Jessie, Please. You know our relationship is over, and dont call me that.
"listen alice, i wanna get back together with you, so bad. I love you,i really do. Alice. Please i changed" Well maybe you should have thought about that before you decided to sleep with poppy.  Jessie stays quiet. "Bye jessie." Alice rolls her eyes. As Alice walks the hallways she sees Jane and avoids her. "alice come back!"Alice goes to chemistry.

In chemistry Class
"Hey Jess." Poppy smiles at Jessie. Jessie rolls her eyes. "Pops i told you a million times it was just a hookup i don't want anything to do with you anymore"

~~~~~At lunch~~~~
"Hey Ali!"
"Oh hey Val, wanna sit with me? "
"what kinda question is that, obviously!! "
"anyways so how is it being the principals step-daughter"
"ehh My mom secretly threatens the teachers to make me pass my classes, life is good "
"good for u, well i just found out i hooked up with Jane while i was basically black out drunk."

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