Chapter 1

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Sophie looked around the Black Swan's headquarters in amazement. She had met them in various places, but never actually been to their base. Now that she was here, she couldn't stop gawking at how homely the place seemed. Memories that were stolen from her came flooding back, many of which were her training here at a very young age with none other than Mr. Forkle. She turned around and took a look at the others who seemed just as shocked as she was, if not more. Her eyes finally landed on Mr. Forkle.

"Any chance you will tell us your real name now?" she asked.

Mr. Forkle shook his head, but he had a mysterious smile on his face, as if he knew something she didn't. He probably did.

"In time," he answered, "Now come along. Your rooms are down this corridor. Don't be so slow! You kids these days..."

Sophie and Biana exchanged curious looks and followed Mr. Forkle down the corridor. After trudging silently down the hallway, they stopped at a white wooden door with a plate on it stating "33A." With a soft creak, Mr. Forkle opened the door. The place looked so much like her bedroom at home; she was barely able to stop the tears of homesickness falling from her eyes. She turned to Biana who was already inside, placing her bags on the floor.

"This is your room," noted Mr. Forkle. He really needn't have stated that due to the pink walls and sparkly purple fan. Biana smiled at Sophie and faintly whispered, "Sparkles make everything better." Of course, Keefe overheard her and rolled his eyes, but Sophie really didn't care. She practically had her bedroom from her old life back, but better! She set down her bags and followed Mr. Forkle down the hallway. He stopped at another room labeled "33B." Opening the door, he gestured for the boys to place their bags down. The room seemed bigger due to the lack of furniture. What replaced the numerous cabinets in the girls' room were gaming consoles. Sophie heard an excited scream from behind her and turned to see Keefe pointing to the main console, which was in clear view from the doorway. He turned to Mr. Forkle and asked, "Is that a 540-console? With virtual bramble programmed on it?"

Mr. Forkle nodded, clearly amused. All three boys ran into the room and each picked up a remote from beside the console.

"Dude this is so awesome! It even has the newest remote!" exclaimed Fitz.

Dex shook his head, "As amazing as this is, I can easily reprogram it to be neurologically controlled. In other words, whatever you think will happen."

"See?" complimented Keefe, patting Dex's shoulder, "The benefits of knowing a Technopath!"

Sophie smiled and began walking towards her room when a voice stopped her.

"You kids get a good night's sleep and meet me in the main hall at 8 am tomorrow morning. I expect all of you to be on time and don't even think of ditching." Mr. Forkle gave Keefe a pointed look when saying this. "This is not Foxfire. Your studies will be more dangerous, yet more crucial. I expect to see you tomorrow."

Sophie and Biana nodded, beginning to walk to their room. Sophie immediately fell onto the bed that seemed so similar to her's and clutched Ella tightly, drifting into a deep sleep.

"Sophie! Wake up! It's already 7:50! We're going to be late! Sophie!"

The voice that woke Sophie up was neither Grady's nor Edaline's. Yesterday's flurry of events came back to her and she hoisted herself up, only to see a completely ready Biana hovering over her.

"I woke up at 7 and got your clothes ready. You seemed really tired yesterday. We have ten minutes," she looked at her watch, "Nine now. Mr. Forkle isn't going to be happy if we're late!"

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