Chapter 4

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A/N: Sorry for the late update! Like I said- exams. Next update should be in a few weeks... but nonetheless- onwards!

Sophie and Biana spent the rest of the day distracting themselves from their current predicaments. But, they inevitably ended up running into the boys before dinner.

Dex and Keefe waved and them and began walking towards them. Sophie saw Biana's face redden out of the corner of her eyes, and the same thing happened to her when Fitz came walking over.

"Hey," she muttered, not being able to look up at him. He flashed an award-winning smile back and they briskly walked to dinner, as they were already late. After dinner, Sophie dashed back to her room and fell into a deep sleep.


The next day, Sophie planned to wake up late as usual, but Biana seemed to have different ideas. Sophie was being shaken awake at 6:30 in the morning!

"Sophie! Sophie! Wake up!" She called.

"No," Sophie grumbled, pulling a pillow over her head. The last thing she wanted was to go back to training.

"Okay, you asked for it!"

Biana pulled off the warm blankets and fluffy pillow. Shivering, Sophie opened her eyes.

"Why would you do that?!" She asked, exasperated.

Biana shrugged, tossing her a fancy red tunic. "Wear this. I'll do your hair after you shower."

Sophie's eyes widened. "Why do you want me to get all dressed up?"

Biana raised her eyebrows and gestured to the boys' room.

Rolling her eyes, Sophie obliged. After letting Biana work with her hair for 20 mins, she sighed. "That's it. I look fine, don't worry."

Biana fussed with it for a few more minutes and then let her hands drop to her sides.

"You ready?" she asked, looking at the clock. When Sophie nodded, both girls grabbed their things and left the room, more exhausted than ever.


After breakfast, Sophie and Fitz headed to their telepathy sessions. Suddenly, they heard a voice behind them.

"Biana?" asked Fitz. "What are you doing here?"

Biana didn't respond, only turning to Mr. Forkle and pulling him aside. They discussed who-knows-what for about five minutes when Mr. Forkle nodded and Biana left.

"I wonder what that was all about..." muttered Sophie. Fitz shrugged and followed Mr. Forkle into the training room.

"Okay," Mr. Forkle started, clapping his hands together. "You kids are going to do continue some telepathy training. Sophie- I'll teach you how to break a specialized blocking and Fitz- I'll teach you how to make one. Sound good?"

Both of them nodded. Mr. Forkle placed his wrinkly hands to Fitz's temples and guided, "I'm forming a block around one of your memories. Can you see how I am building the mental wall, brick by brick?"

Fitz nodded.

"Good. When it is finished, make sure to seal it or it will fall apart. Now try that on one of your other memories."

Fitz closed his eyes and obliged. After a moment, Sophie heard his deep accented voice in her head.

This is so weird. The block is somehow stronger than the immediate mental block I usually put up and the one you usually have.

Sophie shrugged. Let me try and break through it.

Just give me a minute, I'm almost done building it... Okay I'm done.

Concentrating hard, Sophie located the block and mustered all her force to try and break through it. After a minute she sighed, "I can't break through it."

"Good job Fitz," Mr. Forkle complimented. Then, he turned to Sophie. "Place your hands on Fitz's temples." Sophie leaned forward and did as he asked. Following her, Mr. Forkle placed his hands on top of her's.

"You can't break into the block, so you need to try and get over or around it," he explained. "See this hole here? Try slipping through it."

Sophie nodded and made her way past the wall, when a thought occurred to her. "What if there is no hole?"

"There's always a hole. Or somewhere the wall ends. No wall is completely unbreakable, you just have to find a way to trick it."

Suddenly, Fitz's memory filled her brain. It was when he was searching for her and spotted her at the museum. She felt his triumph when he realized she was the person he was searching for and how impressed he was with her levitating the street lamp. Suddenly she felt a sharp stab of pain and she yanked her hands away from his temples. They were a pinkish color with blisters starting to form.

"What the-?"

A/N: Muahahaha... I feel evil. Sorry for the cliffy, but it had to be done! You'll see soon enough!

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