Chapter 6

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A/N: Oh yeah. Back to weekly updates. Who's amazing? I am! Yay!!!! :) Now to the story!

"Who are you?"
Those were the first words uttered by Sophie when the group reached her table. One of the girls smiled in response. "My name is Hywell. This is Hagan, Andon, Alfred, and Darton," she explained, pointing to the respective person. "We recently joined the Black Swan."

Biana gestured to her table. "Nice to meet you!" She introduced them, "I'm Biana. This is my friend Dex, my- uh- friend Keefe, my brother Fitz, and my best friend-" She turned to point to Sophie, but the girl interrupted her. "Oh we know who you are. It's Sophie Foster, right? Everyone knows about you!"

Sophie shrunk into her seat, not knowing if this was a good or bad thing. "Everybody?" she asked softly. The last thing she wanted was to be the center of attention again.

The girl Sophie presumed to be Andon smiled kindly. "I'm sure it's not a bad thing," she consoled. Sophie smiled back at her. Maybe these people weren't so bad.

"So when did you arrive here?" asked Fitz.

"About a week ago, I think," replied Hagan. Alfred playfully punched his arm. "No we came on the 7th... So... Two weeks!"

"It's been that long?" asked a surprised Hagan. Alfred raised his eyebrows and nodded, turning to the rest of the elves.

"So, how long have you been here? And what are each of your powers?" asked Darton. Sophie tried to calculate the days in her head. They had traveled from Friday to Sunday and reached on Monday. And it was Thursday. "Four days," she said. "And I'm a telepath, polygot, and inflictor." They flinched when she said that last power, but she didn't blame them.

Fitz smiled at the group. "I'm a telepath."

"Vanisher," Biana informed, disappearing to prove it. Immediately after, Keefe added, "I'm an Empath." He flashed them a mischievous smile.

Barely audible, Dex muttered, "I'm a Technopath." At that, Hywell's eyes widened. "Cool!" she exclaimed. Dex grinned.

Sophie smiled. Dex should really be more proud of his power. Suddenly, she heard a crash behind her. She whipped around and saw the cafeteria wall broken down. And behind them were-

Keefe gasped, "The Neverseen"

A/N: Ooh cliffy. I'm evil, I know. But it's so much fuuuuunnnn!!!

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