Chapter 5

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A/N: Yay! I'm back! Sorry for the whole hiatus thing and all. Shoutout to @allison_taylor01 for reminding me to update! And here's the long awaited chapter!

"What happened to my fingers?" Sophie asked to Mr. Forkle. Fitz didn't answer or make any note of what she was asking, but he had a slightly guilty look on his face.

Mr. Forkle must have noticed the look too as he replied, "I think Fitz put up a defense system when you were getting close to protected memories. Consciously or unconsciously, I do not know." He gave Fitz a pointed look.

Finally Fitz spoke. "It was a combination of reflex and desperation, I guess," he explained without much elaboration.

Mr. Forkle nodded as if he knew what Fitz meant. "Nonetheless, you held up a strong barrier, and that is all we needed to learn today," he said. "Although, Biana did come to me with a strange request before class."

Sophie really hoped this wasn't what she thought it was, but her face flushed just thinking about it.

"You kids with all your complaints," he muttered. "Anyway, she ranted to me for about five minutes and the only thing that would make her stop is if I conceded. So I did."

"What did she ask you to do?" asked Fitz, puzzled.

"She asked me to let you 'date' or whatever you kids do these days," he replied, amused. "After further contemplation, I agreed."

Sophie smiled, silently reminding herself to thank Biana later. And suddenly, Fitz's arms were wrapped around her and she felt inexplicably happy for the first time in days.


"Thank you!!!!" Sophie yelled across the lunch hall, running to hug Biana. "You are the best best friend ever!"

Biana grinned. "I take that Mr. Forkle told you?"

"Yep." Sophie took her arm and pulled her to their usual table. "So what inspired you to commit this random act of kindness?"

Biana shrugged. "I saw how unhappy you were without Fitz, and figured that if you had waited so long for him to ask you out, Mr. Forkle shouldn't be allowed to ruin that."

"Thanks, sis." Fitz plopped down in the seat across from Sophie, Keefe and Dex following suit. He had a large smile on his face that he didn't seem to be able to wipe away.

"Hey who are those elves there?" Asked Keefe, pointing to a small group of 5 or 6 elves. They were the only elves Sophie had seen around her age in the Black Swan.

"I heard they recently joined the Black Swan," added Dex.

"Well, why don't we go talk to them?" Asked Biana.

It turned out that they didn't need to talk to them. Because the group of elves were heading right towards Sophie's table.

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