chapter 2

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This is a AU so don't get mad 😅.also I will update this as much as possible

Aizawas pov

I turned around to see a blue haired boy and a older purple haired girl standing by a wall.

'Come over here!' The short blue haired boy called at us. We walked over and the blue haired boy introduced himself as oboro and the girl was a second year girl called nemuri.

We talked for quite a bit before we heard the loud bell. I flinched at the sound but luckily nobody noticed. We rushed to class and sat down, i sat at the back hoping it would be quiet but hizashi came walking over.

'HEYYY SHOUTAAAAAA' I covered my ears. 'It's to early for this shit hizashi'

'Sorry shouta-' he said as he sat next to me.

This is going to be hell.

After class because yes

Mics pov:

Me,sho and oboro all made our way out of class and decided to check out the rooftop.

Our class was not as far away from the roof as it seemed and soon enough we were on the roof.

The roof is nice, the view is amazing and you can see on for what seems like miles!

Oboro ran right up to the fence and stared at the clouds- i- found this funny but shouta seemed other find it annoying or wierd.

I guess it means flies by because before we knew it it was time for ✨hero training✨.

Shouta seemed nervous! I wonder why?

Aizawas pov

It's time for hero training fuck I didn't think about this.

I grabbed my bag and we ran to the changing room, mic and oboro rushed in but I settled to get changed in the bathroom because I didn't want people seeing my binder.

I realized I haf to take off my binder for hero training but I couldn't so I didn't.(small a/n: if your doing big physical activities be careful with your binder ^^)

I finished getting changed and rushed out to where training was. We were split into pairs and I watched as our teacher paired us up.

'Oboro and *name* and lastly shouta and hizashi'

Fuck! I didn't think about being partnered with him of all people!

'HEY SHO COME OVER HERE! ' ok so that had to be hizashi so I ran over to him and started getting ready to fight.

We were the last pair so we had to watch everyone else fight which was Boring if you ask me but hizashi seemed to enjoy it.

After what seemed like YEARS it was mine and hizashis turn.

'Finally shouta and hizashi'

We walked out to the fighting zone and waited for the go signal. 'Andddd begin! .

I was hiding behind one of the buildinhs an dcould see hizashi searching for me. I have to move quick.

I sneaked around the building and managed to escape hizashi while forming a plan. It seemed hizashi was trying to be quiet but I knew that wouldn't last very long because well it's hizashi.

(A/n: btw aizawa doesn't have his capture scarf yet so it's harder)

After quite a while I was ready. I could tell hizashi was behind me by his breathing. I grabbed his arm as he went to hit me, 'not so fast hizashi' I said and I flipped him over my head and pinned him to the ground.

Hizashi went to scream but I disabled his quirk before he could while glaring at him. 'You really thought you could beat me hizashi'.

'Uh sho? What's that' hizashi was whispering and pointing at me, I looked down. Fuck! My binder! I had forgot he might see it! What am I supposed to do.

'U-uh nothing hizashi! ' I whispered back.

'AND SHOUTA IS THE WINNER! ' I heard the teacher shout.

Phew it was over, we got changed and hizashi had a bunch of questions that I didn't awnser because there is NO way in hell I'm telling him about me being trans.

It's not that I don't trust him- well it is but that's besides the point. Its more- partially that I don't think he could keep it a secret. Hizashi is a blabber mouth and I felt that he would accidentally tell the whole school.

Only 2 teachers knew, nobody else not even my parents. Well 1 teacher and nezu, he's the principal and I and time get him to change my name on the attendance thing but you get the point.

I met oboro and hizashi outside ua after school while I was hoping my parents wouldn't be home yet. 'Hey sho over here! ' I looked over at hizashi and oboro before walking over slowly.

'Hey do you guys wanna come over to mine tonight my parents are out of town for the next week' hizashi was blabbering on about how this is going to be so fun and shit. I wasn't really listening because well he's so loud and it hurts my ears, I would NEVER tell him that tho because- well idk actually.

Nemi ran over to us, apparently 2a finish 15 minutes after us AND nemi had to clean up a big mess someone made.

'Hey zashi is the sleepover still on tonight'. Hizashi nodded exititedly.

I guess I'd have to be EXTRA careful if I wanted to keep my secret- and possibly keep frie- people talking to me.



✨ok so sorry for not updating school has been stressful and I have to get a COVID test because someone in ma class got covid. Tbh most of my life just sucks. Anyways thanks for the support on this book I will try update as much as I can.✨

✨Next chapter would be out either tomorrow so at some point at the weekend because I need a break rn.✨

✨Anyways make sure to eat, sleep(I need to) and drink but mo- also importantly take care for yourself and relax, take a break the world is in hell rn so relax!✨

✨ANYWAYS bye y'all have a nice day ✨

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