003 - Troubles in Egypt

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The next day, Dallas is traveling to Egypt where he encountered the Dinosaur Team.

" Who are you kid?" Max asked.

" I'm Dallas. I'm traveling with my five pet dinosaurs." Dallas said.

" A black tyrannosaurus, Timurlengia, Ulughbegasaurus, Pentaceratops and Pachyrhinosaurus." Rex said.

" You are just like us." Zoe said.

Dr. Spike Taylor tries to touch Ural the Ulughbegasaurus but Ural bit Dr. Taylor's hand.

" OUCH!!!!" Dr. Spike Taylor said.

" Dad! I told you not to touch that dinosaur!" Max said.

" Hey Ural, let go of that man's hand you Dr. Frenzy." Rhyno the Pachyrhinosaurus said.

Ural let go of Dr. Taylor's hand.

" Sorry. I'm just got insulted by that man." Ural the Ulughbegasaurus said.

" Your dinosaur talked?" Zoe asked.

" My dinosaurs already have learning our language." Dallas said. " For now, I need to find any sightings of wild dinosaurs."

Suddenly, they encountered a talking blue Diabloceratops named Blow showed up.

" What is going on here?!" Blow the Diabloceratops said.

" A talking Diabloceratops? " Rex, Max and Zoe were both said.

" That's odd." Reese said. " It's very rare to find talking wild dinosaurs."

" That was an obviously an exceptional. " Dallas said.

Then, Dr. Z and Team Alpha Gang showed up.

" Diabloceratops belongs to me and proclaimed as the rightful king of the dinosaurs!" Dr. Z said. Terry the T-Rex, Tank the Saichania and Spiny the Spinosaurus were already in the field.

" Oh no! It's the Alpha Gang again!" Rex said.

" Causing a lot of trouble by stealing some dinosaur cards from us." Max said.

" They did what?!" Rhyno the Pachyrhinosaurus said as his face went red and angry with white smoke coming out of his noise and faced the Team Alpha Gang. " Why you yellow bellied lilly liver varmints!!!"

" You know what, that's one thing I really didn't like about that white-haired would-be goofy man." Ural the Ulughbegasaurus said.

" I'll face them." Blow the Diabloceratops said.

" Dino Slash!" Rex, Max and Zoe were both said as Chomp the Triceratops, Ace the Carnotaurus and Paris the Parasaurolophus were grew into full sized dinosaurs.

" Let me handle the red tyrannosaurus." Blow the Diabloceratops said.

" Suit yourself." Ace the Carnotaurus said.

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