Chapter 1: The Assignment

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I grab an apple and sprint from the lobby, the manager waving goodbye as I go. I wish my job had more predictable hours, but when I get a call, I have to show up. I just got the promotion I've been working towards for seven years; I refuse to let sleep keep me from my passion.

I never forget any case I work, not even the gas station robberies. Being a detective means that I'll get to work on more important cases, like homicides. It isn't that I like to tell people that they no longer have a father, mother, brother, sister, but I do enjoy the rush of the chase and the satisfaction of putting a criminal behind bars.

I turn the key and Fall Out Boy starts blaring.

Be careful making wishes in the
Dark dark
Can't be sure when they'll hit their
Mark mark
And besides in the mean mean time
I'm just dreaming of tearing you apart

I sing along to the chorus with the windows down. I don't notice the looks I get from passing cars, I'm too busy enjoying the music. Normally, I would roll up the windows and try to hide behind the steering wheel, but today feels different. I feel confident and in control.

I arrive at the station in less than ten minutes, traffic is light at this hour. I shrug out of my blazer and drape it over my chair. Chief Nichols is waving me into his office.

"Davis! I have an assignment for you." I sigh. Zach Sykes, my partner, gives me an apologetic look, and I feel significantly less confident than I did five minutes ago. I step dutifully into the office and gently close the door behind me.

"What do you need, sir?" I ask respectfully.

"There was another gang murder last night," he begins. The Vipers keep killing young girls in the early hours of the mornings as they spill out of the clubs. "We got lucky this time. A gentleman came forward as a witness and has agreed to testify in the trial. Cordero is in maximum security, but last night the witness received a death threat, and now I need you to keep him safe. He was reluctant after the threat to do this, so this department cannot afford for you to make any mistakes. We need to get this gang under control," I feel my heart thudding against my ribs. I am practically a rookie detective, why was such an important job being assigned to me?

"Where is the witness?" I ask.

"He's waiting in interview room two. Go and get acquainted while I finish the paperwork," Nichols commands, waving me out of the office. I grab a notebook from my desk and head to the back hall. There is a drunk in the tombs, and he makes kissy faces at me as I walk past.

My temper flares, but I hold my breath and count to five. Drunks are a waste of time, not worthy of my attention. I look through the one-way glass to see my newest assignment. The man is sprawled out in his chair, legs up on the table. He is facing the barred window opposite me. His hair is chestnut brown and somewhat messy. But not 'just got out of bed' messy, 'I am too cool for the world' messy.

I can tell he's a tall guy from the length of his legs, how they stretch almost halfway across the table when he is already leaning back in the chair. His shirt is a soft purple and he is wearing dark jeans with loafers. Might as well break the ice.

I open the door and start asking questions about everything, what he saw, why he came to the police, why he tried to back down. I am staring at the notebook in my hand, not him.

"Whoa, I already gave my statement to the other detective, why am I being interrogated again?" he chuckles nervously. That voice is nicer to listen to than any music I have ever heard, and I listen to a lot of music.

I have to see the owner of that voice. He looks like he hasn't shaved in a few days, but that worked in his favor. The stubble drew my eyes to his thin lips and back up to his sparkling eyes, then to his huge eyebrows and chiseled jaw.

"I have been assigned to protect you from the Vipers gang. Might I ask what your name is? It isn't in the notes my partner gave me."

"Lee. My name is Lee Pace."

"That sounds very familiar, do I know you?"

"Davis! What are you doing?" Chief Nichols roars. I bite my lip. Now what did I do?

"Stop treating the witness like a suspect. He is a guest, one I would like to keep safe and happy, if you don't mind." I nod and take a seat across the table as he walks out.

"I am sorry for my tone, I did not mean for you to- I don't think you're a- um, I'm sorry," I ramble. He laughs.

"You seem really nervous, have you had a lot on your mind lately?" he asks.

"No, I just... I'm new here and if I screw up, I'll be back to patrolling highways for speeders and drunks. I'd like to keep this job, it is much more suited to my abilities." I let that sink in for a moment and realize how arrogant it sounds. "I don't mean that I'm better than patrol officers, I just, I can, you know what forget it. Why don't we start over? Hi, I am Detective Anna Davis. You are?" I say, reaching out my hand.

He puts his feet back on the floor and shakes my hand. "I am Lee Pace. I get people who call me by my characters more often though. I will answer to just about anything." And then I know where I've seen him before.

"Oh, you're Thranduil, the ElvenKing from the Hobbit! Those movies are- you've probably heard all this a hundred times, so I'll just shut my mouth," I say, blushing. Lee laughs.

"It's okay! It's always great to find a fan, especially one who is as beautiful as you."

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