Chapter 15: Unprepared

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After tipping the cabbie, I walk Lee inside. He is exhausted from Sam's mock interrogation and leaning heavily on my shoulder.

"Let's get you to bed, champ. Early start tomorrow, and a long day to follow," I remind the half-dead man as I turn the key. Once inside the apartment, Lee strips the kevlar off and stumbles into the bedroom. He groans and falls like a chopped tree onto the bed.

"Where are you sleeping?" he yawns, face down on the comforter.

"My couch is quite comfortable and you need the space to sprawl. Now, go to sleep before I force sleeping pills down your throat," I laugh. Lee grins at me and closes his eyes, finally giving in to exhaustion. I smile and grab a sheet from the closet and some sweats.

After changing, I start cleaning up the movie mess from earlier. Lee's hardly touched Coke goes into the fridge and my can goes in the recycle bin. Then I relax and fall onto the couch. Time for music and sleep. I hit shuffle on my bedtime playlist and wrap the sheets around my shoulders. I start drifting off during "Secrets" by Onerepublic, then the last lyric I hear is "keep watching over Durin's sons" from "I See Fire" by Ed Sheeran and I drift to sleep.


"Anna, are you awake?" says a voice from behind. A heavy hand is on my shoulder, shaking it gently.


"Come on, it's 7:30, we need to leave right now."

"Shit! You should have started with the time!" I gasp, throwing the sheets off. Lee laughs nervously as I run into my bedroom and throw the closet open. I grab a purple frilly blouse, black pants, and a white jacket. There is no time for jewelry coordinating or complex makeup.

"Let's go!" I shout, running out the door. Lee is right behind me, wearing a black suit and tie. I think the safest way to the justice building is in my car, recognizable as it may be.

"Get it!" I shout at Lee who is just now rounding the corner of the parking garage. I throw the driver's side door open and jam the key in. We speed out of the garage and into relatively fast traffic.

"Is it really that bad if we are 5 minutes late?" Lee asks with a white knuckle grip on the seat belt.

"Let's not find out. I hate being late." Lee stays quiet after that, but I catch him glancing at me from tint to time. I can't help it if I'm not a kind person.


"Are you ready Mr. Pace?" Sam asks before the hearing begins. Lee looks at me first, though I'm not sure if it was for an answer or something else.

"Yes, I'm ready."

"Good. You'll be the third person I call, so just wait out here with detective Davis until the bailiff calls you in." With that direction, he enters the large oaken doors and disappears into a media frenzy. Lee sighs deeply and drops his head between his knees.

"It's ok to be nervous, just breathe and answer honestly. That's all you can do. Sam is pretty observant, he'll know if you need a break."

"I'm not going to be interrogated by the defense today. Sam said yesterday that today would be the state's one chance to get Cordero for the murders. He was only denied bail at arraignment because of his gang affiliations. The judge will release him today if Sam can't give the judge a reason to continue holding Cordero.

"Anna, I'm afraid. I don't want to die. I don't want to watch the people I love die. I don't want to live in fear of a gang of teenagers and drug traffickers. I don't want this life," Lee whimpers. Complete desperation has taken over his typically suave voice and devastation lingers in his eyes.

"Lee, I made you a promise. Nothing will happen to you. I know Sam can get Cordero-"

"Diego Ramirez Cordero, you are free to go," booms the judge's voice from within the courtroom. The doors swing open a moment later and twenty Vipers stride out. In their lead, a heavily tattooed man with short black hair and beady eyes. He glances at me and Lee, a smirk on his face. He takes the time to stop and blow us a kiss before laughing and walking out of the justice building.

Lee's face has gone slack, and I can see the clear beads of sweat form on his pale forehead.

"What the hell happened in there?!" I scream at Sam, who just limped out of the courtroom.

"I was unprepared..." he mutters dejectedly.

"There was nothing you could do?!"

"No, the Vipers are free and clear of all charges, not even the vandalism of a few days ago stuck." Lee pushes his head between his knees again while I continue screaming at Sam.

"I am a deadman," Lee finally breathes, then he stands up slowly and walks away.

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