-Billy with an artistic s/o!-

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-Billy loves that you are so artistic, whether you paint, draw, sculpt anything!

-Now Billy isn't very artistic and probably would much rather sit and watch you, but if you really want him to he'll try

-You would probably get a heart scribbled in with red saying 'I love you', But he really means it

-If you're sitting anywhere with your sketchbook/tablet in hand, Billy is right there watching you draw.

-He just sits there eyes darting back and forth with the movements of your hand

-He's mesmerized!

-How do you do that? You're so good!

-Be prepared for questions, he's a curious little guy

-Once all the questions that he asked are answered he just sits there watching you, sometimes putting his head on your shoulder

-These are the few times he doesn't really talk much, a few sniffles and coughs here and there but nothing really big.

-He probably doesn't know what/who you are drawing but he's supportive anyway. In his eyes, he doesn't need to know because whether he knows or not it's still your art, and it's still good!

-If you ever bring up you want/have drawn him he'll be confused, why would you want to draw him?  

-After you explain to him why you want/have drawn him he's ecstatic! You want to draw Billy? He jumps around smiling and asks if he can see. If you've drawn him already, he wants to see it now! He is so excited, fidgeting and smiling waiting for you to show him.

-If you haven't drawn him that is even better! He can watch you and see the love and care that you put into it! Though he is more restless this time or any time that you draw him, he wants to see how you see him.

-After you show him, he just held onto it for like a solid 30 minutes after, He didn't want to let it go!

-Although looking at it so long made him realize he was looking at himself and that kinda freaked him out, he really looks like that?

-He has some problems with mirrors and looking at himself in general but seeing you drawing him, and looking at him lovingly made him feel a little bit better. Though in the beginning, he loved to stare at you but if you looked back at him he'd somewhat cower away.

-Sometimes you're drawing with Billy on your shoulder like normal and you go to take a break for a few seconds and look at him and he's not even watching you draw anymore but instead, he's staring at you. 

-He has a collection of drawings of him that you can't seem to find, like random sketches of him are torn out from your sketchbook and have seemingly "Disappeared", Billy definitely has them stashed somewhere in the house.

-He has tried to draw you multiple times but won't let you see, he says 'he doesn't like it'.

Thank you for reading! <3


(This is kinda funny because I draw Billy like all the time)

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