what are those two doing in a tree?!

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I sat at the foldable table that I set up in the gym. I posted a bunch of sign-ups around the school to get started on my project. I looked at the sign-up sheet to see most of my classmates written on it.

    The Super Squad decided that they wanted to help out too, so most of them signed up. Jed, Kaleb, MG, and Lizzie for sure signed up. However, I haven't seen Hope or Jo's name on the list. But can you blame them after what happened?

Right next to me sat my mom and Pedro. I didn't know who else to ask for feedback without being biased, so they were my best bet. I cleared my throat, "Alright, uh Kaleb Hawkins," I announced.

    Kaleb came up with a big smile on his face and just started singing. Me, my mom, and Pedro gave him a standing ovation as he finished, a bright smile on my face, "That was great Kaleb! We'll keep in touch," I mentioned to him as if I'm such a big director.

    "What do you guys think about Kaleb? I mean the two of you have watched the movie right?" I asked them before we called the next person.

    Pedro gave me an incredulous look, "Duh! It's my favorite movie ever! C'mon Bentley, you should know that!"

    My mom laughed at him before nodding, "I watched it last night. I think he could be a great PT Barnum,"

    "I don't know, I'm torn between him playing PT or Phillip," I said, writing down some notes on his audition.

    "Just like you don't know if you want to choose Hope or Josie," Pedro mumbled and it was my turn to give him an incredulous look. My mom let out a roar of laughter before handing him a five dollar bill.

    "I love this kid!" my mom exclaimed and I rolled my eyes before calling out the next act.

That's what I did for most of my afternoon, I watched people sing, some better than others. I wrote down notes I had on what character fit them best and I went from there.

I was just about to pack up my table when Lizzie came running into the room, "Lizzie, what's going on? You already auditioned,"

    "You have two more last minute sign-ups," she confessed with a sheepish smile on her face.

First Hope came walking into the room. I smiled at her softly before raising my eyebrows at her, "You're auditioning? I didn't think that it was your thing?" P

"It's not, but I want to help in anyway I can,"

That phrase, that goddamn phrase. Pedro elbowed me when he realized I wasn't saying anything, I shot him a look, before I cleared my throat, trying to ignore the embarrassing memory of our last interaction before nodding, "Well, let's see what you got,"

During her entire performance though, all I could think about was that night.

"Stay," I whispered.

    She turned her head to look back at me and with one glance, she crashed her lips onto mine. I wrapped my arms around her neck as the kiss started to turn heated. My hands started playing with her hair on the nape of her neck as our bodies pressed together.

"Bentley, Bentley, Bentley," she mumbled, pulling away from me, "This is a bad idea. You just got out of a relationship with Jo and you're upset and lonely and you need someone. I can't be just a hookup,"

    "Hope, I'm so sorry, that wasn't my intention, I swear," I babbled an apology over and over again.

She cupped my cheeks in her hand softly, before placing a sweet kiss to my lips, "It's okay, I know that wasn't your intention. You're not thinking straight and that's okay. I just-I want to do this with you, but not in this way. I'm going to be here to help you in anyway I can, just not this way,"

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