What is wrong with the Spider-Child?

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A/N: The request for this one-shot was sent by the amazing @OliveMint!

Hope you enjoy! <3

It was the week of finals at Midtown School of Science and Technology and for the students who attended the school it means work, work, work.

Though Peter had aced every test so far, there were still two more days of school to go and he was absolutely exhausted.

Peter had stayed up until 5 a.m. that morning working on some things so he was only running on about an hour's worth of sleep and was way out of it.

With another day of tests and school done, Peter had trudged his way to the black car waiting in the parking lot.

Upon entering, Happy greeted the boy as Peter shut the door and they drove to the tower.

"You look exhausted." Happy noted as Peter started to doze off.

Hearing the man's voice startled Peter and he immediately shot up from where he was slouched against the car's window.

"Jeez Happy you scared me."

"Sorry kid. But you might wanna use your Spidey powers to give you some adrenaline because there's a surprise waiting for you at the tower."

Peter perked up at that.

"A surprise? What's the surprise?"

"It's a surprise." Happy simply says before focusing all of his attention back on driving.

When they finally make it back to the tower, Peter quickly jumps out of the car and races inside.

Happy follows him in at a much slower pace and can't help but laugh at the kid's excitement.

Peter gets into the tower's private elevator and heads up to the penthouse.

Happy had told him that that was where the surprise was at.

The elevator doors open and Peter steps inside, looking around for whatever the surprise was.

He hears noises in the kitchen so he follows the sounds and the sight before him is definitely a surprise.

Standing in the kitchen are two well known and quite tall Asgardians.

Thor and his brother are talking as they drink a liquid that Peter is sure he would not be allowed to have.

As Peter just stands there in shock, Thor notices him and a smile spreads on his face.

"Son of Stark! You have returned from your lessons! It is so good to see you!" The Norse god's voice booms around the kitchen.

Thor walks over to the kid and envelops him in a bone crushing hug. Loki watches Peter as the boy continues to be squeezed into a pancake.

After a few moments though he can tell the kid is struggling and walks over.

"Brother I think that hug has gone on long enough. If it continues I don't think there will be much of Peter left."

"Right, right.  Sorry son of Stark." Thor breaks the hug with Peter to which the boy inhales a gasp of air.

"It's okay Mr. Thor," The kid gasps out.  "It's so good to see you guys."

"How are you doing today Peter?" Loki asks.

"Pretty good.  It's finals week at school which basically means a lot of work and no sleep-"

"Which is why you will be taking a nap soon." Tony's voice rings through the kitchen.

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