Peter and Ned: A Kidnapped Duo

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Third Person POV:

Today was not going how it was supposed to.

After all, getting knocked out and thrown into the back of a van with your best friend isn't something that usually happens.

Unfortunately when you're Spider-Man though, things like this are more than likely going to happen.

Peter and Ned had just gotten out of school and were on their way to Ned's house.

They had a whole afternoon planned of building Legos and watching Harry Potter.

Happy would be picking Peter up later and taking him back to the tower.  May was out of town with work so Peter was staying with Tony.  His dad.

As they walked along, Peter's spidey sense started to act up.  That was never a good sign.

All of a sudden, three figures covered head to toe in black came out of seemingly nowhere and attacked the two teens.

Ned was completely caught off guard but, thanks to his spidey sense, or Peter tingle as May called it, Peter knew something was going to happen and was prepared.

Peter grabbed hold of Ned's arm and yanked him away from where a fist was about to knock him out.

"Peter Parker," one of the figures said and took a menacing step towards the kid.  "You're coming with us."

"No I'm not.  I don't even know you.  Haven't you ever heard of stranger danger?" The young teen bites back.

He wouldn't go down without a fight.

"Grab him!" One of the figures yells.  "Be careful, he's Spider-Man!"

Shit, they know he's Spider-Man.

This just got way more difficult.

Peter got into a defensive position in front of Ned.  He couldn't let his friend get hurt.  Or taken.  And these guys were out to do just that.

"Ned run." Peter says quietly, hoping the figures didn't hear him.

"No.  I'm not leaving you." Ned whispers back.

"Please just go Ned," Peter says a bit louder.  "Run away right now.  Please.  I don't want you to get hurt in all this." Peter begs.

Before Ned has time to argue back, another fist comes swinging towards him.  Peter of course sees it and has very little time to react and save his friend.

Luckily, he is able to.

Unfortunately, he isn't able to protect Ned from the kick to the back that follows.

"Ahhh ughhh!" Ned grunts, his body crashing into Peter's and nearly making them fall over onto the ground.

"Ned are you okay?" Peter says as he steadies them.

Ned doesn't have a chance to answer before more punches and kicks are thrown their way.

Peter does his best to protect both of them but his attempts don't work.

They know he's Spider-Man and know how to dodge his superhuman hits and deliver their own.

This is really bad.

One of the figures steps away from the scuffle and puts something over his hand. 

It's a brass knuckle.

As Peter is busy fighting the other two, the one with the knuckle carefully stalks towards the child.  Who's distracted by dodging a kick to the gut.

Sadly, Peter's spidey sense catches him off guard and he has no time to react before the knuckle slams into the side of his face with a hard force.  Causing his world to go black.

Peter's body slumps to the ground, his already injured head hitting the concrete below with a sickening crack.

"Peter!" Ned shouts in horror, worried for his friend.

"Oh shut up boy," the figure who hit Peter says.  "He's fine.  He'll just be a bit out of it is all."

The figure turns to the other two, who had wrapped their arms around Ned's own so he couldn't escape.

"Alex," he tells one of them.  "Grab the spider kid.  Put him in the back of the van and be sure to put those special cuffs on him."

"Yes sir." 'Alex' says, letting go of Ned's arm and reaching down to grab Peter.

Alex wraps his arms around Peter's sides and hoists him roughly onto his shoulder.  Peter's head smacks against the brick of the the nearby building.

It's his third blow to the head in a matter of minutes.

"Easy!  That child's worth a fortune!"

"Says the one who literally hit Peter in the face with metal." Ned can't help but think.

The other person, who had been holding onto Ned as well, finally spoke up.  "What do you want me to do with this one?  Should I knock him out too?" He pulls out a brass knuckle of his own and puts it against Ned's cheek.

Ned's heart feels like it's racing a mile a minute and he shutters in fear.  Knowing that it'd definitely hurt if they did hit him.  I mean, he saw how bad it took out Peter.

"No you dumbass!" The one who must be in charge, considering he gives all the orders, stomps over.  "He's completely human unlike that annoying, little spider over there who can actually take the hit.  I have a better idea."

Pulling out a syringe full of a clear liquid, he brings it towards Ned's neck and injects it into his skin.

Ned is immediately overcome with a wave of exhaustion.  He tries to fight.  He can't pass out.  He has to stay awake.

Unfortunately, the darkness wins and before he knows it the world goes black.

Ned slumps towards the ground but luckily the person who had been holding onto his arm catches him.

"Load them up," the leader of the trio says.  "Put the cuffs on the mutant and make sure he stays unconscious.  Even though, with a hit like that to the face, not even Captain America could recover that quickly."

"Won't Stark come lookin' for him?" Alex asks as he basically throws Peter into the the back of the truck.  Not caring at all about the fact that Peter hits the floor with his arm bent out in an odd angle.

"Yeah he will," the leader rubs his chin.  "But we got his kid so that's leverage.  We can ask him for anything as long as we get the kid involved.  I'm sure Stark doesn't want us to put a bullet in Spidey's head."

"You're right, you're right." Alex says as he holds the van door open so Ned can be put inside.

They're a bit easier on Ned.  Unlike poor Peter, they don't just throw him inside.

"Should we grab the regular pair of cuffs and put them on him?" The person who had put Ned in the van gestures to him.

"Nah, that sedative oughta keep him out for hours.  He's got no powers remember?" The leader rolls his eyes.  "Idiot."

Alex shuts the van's back doors and the three figures go to the front of it and get inside.

And just like that, the key is placed in the ignition, the van starts up, and it disappears out onto the streets of Queens.

A/N: Hey guys, I hope you enjoyed and it didn't suck too much.  If you did please be sure to like and comment!

There will be a part two coming of course so watch your notifications for that and other updates.

Also, be sure to check out my other Marvel books!

Well that's all for now!

Love you guys 3000 and have a great day/night!

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