Chapter 1

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It was a chilly night,too chilly to be considered normal weather for George.He sat alone in the bar,having no one anyway.Now that he thought about it,he realized something he hadn't before.He had everything in his fingertips,if he wanted someone gone,they would be,only in the past.Now that it was all gone,he felt like he was going insane,like everything had collapsed in his life.He so desperately wanted someone,to the point where he would kill.Wait what?!Did he really want that.He was caught up in his thoughts when a voice interrupted him,"Bad day?"

He felt the man sit down beside him.He quickly glanced over and ended up staring.He saw the man,green dirty hoody,matching with his dirt stained pants.His hood pulled over and a mask sat upon his face,covering everything but his pink lips.He quickly answered,"Why would you think that?".

"Well for starters,that's a lot of beer you just downed,"The man chuckled.

"Oh,well yeah sorta,"George answered, taking a sip of his newly served beer.

"May I ask what happened?I mean it's none of my business so I'd unders-,"He was quickly cut off.

"Just thinking about the past is all,"George calmly interrupted him.He felt oddly comforted by the stranger.Like if he already knew him.

"Oh,makes sense,"The man answered.

"So what's your name?,"George asked.It would be awkward just thinking of him as a stranger.

"My name's Clay,but my friends call me Dream,"Clay answered.

"Hm,mine's George,"George replied.

"So what brings you into the bar?",George asked.The stranger seemed too happy to be here.

"My first time here in a while,after all there's no bars in prison.Other than the ones on your cell"Dream replied,looking down at his feet.

George glanced over,noticing how his features shifted,informing him Dream was upset.He thought for a moment,before he lifted one of his arms and lightly placed his hand on the other's shoulder.

"It's ok,we all do bad things for different reasons,"George assured him.Dream relaxed a little bit.He felt,oddly relieved.It had been just a while since he started on his schizophrenia meds,the voices had eased yet everyone he had known before still looked at him the same,like a cold blooded killer.This stranger had accepted him even if he had been in prison,but he wasn't out of the woods yet.

"Thanks,anyway on a lighter note,what have you been up to?,"Dream asked.George let his arm fall and snake itself to his beer.

"Nothing other than looking for a job,"George replied.

"You and me both,"Dream chuckled.


Badboyhalo walked through the halls of this prison,per usual.Visiting Skeppy was something he did very often.Most people knew Badboyhalo as someone who cussed an abnormal amount.Most found him scary.He could here his own steps echo as he neared Skeppy's cell.He stepped in front of the cell,as Skeppy stood on the other side.Skeppy had light brown hair,with blue markings,looking like diamond since they looked like an outer shell.His eyes matching his hair with a nonchalant face,kind of grinning.They're height difference was barely noticeable.Skeppy stared into Bad's eyes,and he stared back.

"So,what have you come to talk about now,"Skeppy sat down on his bed.

"Just wanted to check up on you,and also to tell you they said you only have 1 year left,"Badboyhalo surprisingly said without cussing.

"Oh well,that's amazing,"Skeppy said whilst looking down.He would miss Bad always checking up on him.They saw each other every day,it was hard to tell if it was just a normal check up or because they were friends.

"What the fuck?Why aren't you fucking excited?It's fucking amazing,"Bad went off.

"I am,I just have something on my mind..,"Skeppy admitted.He decided to confront Bad about his cussing.Not the best choice.

"What is it?,"Bad asked.

"I don't mean to be rude but you cuss way too much,sometimes I feel like I can't even understand you I mean...."

As Skeppy went off Bad's blood began to boil.Of course he didn't hate Skeppy,in fact the opposite.He'd began to rather enjoy Skeppy's presence,it's just he had never been questioned in such a way.He was always bigger better and stronger,no one had dared to question him.As he was blinded by anger,he opened the prison cell which silenced the other in the room.He stepped in with a face so malice,it would surely kill an angel upon seeing.He stood there,anger boiling in his blood.The only person who had ever questioned him was his father and he was now dead.Bad struck Skeppy so hard he fell to the ground.

Remorse hit Bad as Skeppy quietly sobbed.He felt the guilt running through him.Why would he hit his only good friend,who didn't fear him.He didn't know how to react.Usually the only way to help situations was to yell.So that's what he did.

"Skeppy why the fuck are you crying,"Bad yelled with tears in his eyes.

"Skepppyyyy please answer me,"Bad screamed out as his voice cracked.

Quackity went to check on Bad,when he heard sobbing and screaming.The screaming was obviously Bad,he had an idea to lighten the mood.As he neared the cell he readied himself.

"This one's for Badboyhalo,"Quackity started.h

Bad turned around and saw Quackity smiling whole heartedly.

"Quackity,not the fucking time,"Bad growled.

"Why you got lice in your head,Why you got lice-,"Quackity was cut off.

"SHUT THE FUCK UP,"Bad screamed with tears still in his waterline.

"Im just trying to lighten the fucking mood,"Quackity muttered.

"Well this mood is fucked up,"Bad said.

"And who's at fault for that,"Skeppy said,still with sobs in his voice.Bad never thought it would hit this point,for once he felt bad for hurting others.He began sobbing as well and that's when the other two felt empathy.


"So that's what happens when you rub someone the wrong way in prison,"Dream finished up his 3rd beer.

"Wait, why were you in prison again?,"George asked.

"Do you really wanna know?,"Dream asked.

(906 words :)))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) )

My first time posting so don't judge plz.I know this won't blow up but Im still gonna post.THANK YOUUUUUU

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