Chapter 4

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"Can't believe we didn't find even one place,"George huffed.

"It's ok,tomorrows a new day,"Dream answered.The two were walking back to George's car.

"I know,it's just kind of frustrating,"George replied.

"It's ok,I get you,"Dream chuckled.

They were both standing near George's car.

"I don't see your car,"George sort of asked.

"Yeah,that's because I don't have one,"Dream answered,a bit embarrassed.

"I'll give you a ride home,"George offered.He couldn't imagine leaving Dream to walk.

"Ok,"Dream accepted.He was tired,after all it was 10pm.

George unlocked the car and Dreamed hopped in the passenger seat.Dream told George the address.The drive was quiet,and again Dream fell asleep.George looked at him in awe.George realized they were close to his place and he hoped Dream wouldn't mind spending the night at his place.


Bad heard a knock on his door.Who would knock at this time in the morning?He opened the door and saw Quackity crying.

"Oh my gosh,come in,"Bad opened the door all the way and Quackity fell into Bad.

Bad threw his arms over Quackity and embraced him in a hug.

"Hey,it's ok,"Bad whispered.He guided Quackity to the couch and had him sit there.He quickly closed the front door and walked back over to Quackity.Quackity sat there puffy eyes and tears rolling down his cheeks,which were red.His hair lightly stuck out of his beanie.His brown eyes matching.He looked at Bad.Quackity always had a soft body frame.His scar across his eye made it look like his eyes were more red than they were.

"What's wrong?,"Bad softly whispered,he noticed Quackity's wrists were bruised.He also noticed Quackity's pained face.

"Schlatt,he-he,"Quackity sobbed some more.His clothes were messy and his hair was wet.

"He what?,"Badboyhalo's voice soothed Quackity.

"He raped me,"Quackity replied,crying.

"Hey,hey it's ok,"Bad hugged Quackity softly yet firmly and before either knew,Quackity was asleep.


Dream awoke in an unfamiliar place. He got up realizing he still had his clothes from yesterday on.He walked out of the room he was in and the scent of eggs and bacon hit him.He followed the scent,and saw a familiar person,George.

"Good morning,"Dream said.

"Morning,how did you sleep?,"George asked.

"I slept well,"Dream replied.

"If you're wondering,you fell asleep in my car so I brought you to my house,"George flipped an egg.

"oh,"Dream muttered.

"Here the food's almost ready."


Skeppy sat in utter silence.Being in prison led him to feel pretty lonely,except when Bad was here.He never thought he would have been caught,yet here he was.He realized that Bad and Quackity were the only faces he saw.

Schlatt thought of all the places Quackity could've gone and he only managed to think of the prison.So that's where he went.

Skeppy had been fiddling with his clothing hem when he heard footsteps.

"Baaaaad you took soooooo long dude,"Skeppy said, not looking up.

"Oh,you better check who you're talking to,"Schlatt said deviously.

Skeppy glanced up holding a nonchalant face,yet inside he was freaking out.After all,Schlatt was a scary man.

"Oh,well what brings you here?,"Skeppy asked with his face rested with a nonchalant look.

"Well I came looking for Quackity,I know he comes here often so don't lie to me,"Schlatt said.

"Quackity comes here?Wow,"Skeppy said, acting surprised.Even if the two saw each other just the day before.

"You're kidding right?,"Schlatt said darkly.

"No,I didn't even know,haven't seen the guy in ages,"Skeppy said looking confused.

"Hmm ok,but if I find out you're lying,I'll have your head hanging on my wall,"Schlatt concluded.Schlatt then walked away,without even saying goodbye and Skeppy suddenly grew worried for his friends.

Schlatt arrived at Badboyhalo's house.They hadn't talked since Bad had been anointed the job of warden.He knocked on the door,waiting until Bad opened it.

"Oh,what brings you here,"Bad asked.

"I'm looking for Quackity,he ran away this morning,"Schlatt said while peering inside.

"Haven't seen him since yesterday at the prison,"Badboyhalo fibbed.

"You're talking differently,"Schlatt said,ready to ram into the door.(Get it,ram hehe #dadjokes)

Lol my writing sucks >:)))))))))))))))))))

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