Chapter 3

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Dream awoke in his bed.Last night was interesting.He met someone new.The two agreed on meeting today in the afternoon to go job-looking.Dream sat up at the edge of his bed,he quickly stood up.He only had boxers and a hoodie he wore to sleep.It was one of the only 2 articles of clothing he had.He grabbed his jeans and put them on.Lastly he grabbed his phone,and his mask.He pulled the hood over his head and placed the mask over his face,this time covering his lips.They planned to meet at 1pm and it was currently 10am so he figured he could take a morning walk.

He always loved his morning walks,they were calming.He got caught up on thinking about something.He never had figured if Fundy and him were still together.He had been stuck in prison and never got to bid goodbye.Fundy never visited him so probably not.He still remembered Fundy's number.Should he give him a call?He decided to.He dialed the number and put the phone to his ear.It rang before a familiar voice spoke.

"Hello?,"It was Fundy and Dream didn't know what to say.

"Is anyone there?,"Fundy spoke once more.

"Yeah,"Dream replied,still dumbfounded.

"Dream?Is that you?,"Fundy asked,he sounded excited.

"Yeah it is me.I just got out a bit ago.How are you?,"Dream asked.

"I've been...good,"Fundy answered.Dream hadn't known but Fundy was very confused on how he felt about Dream.After all that had happened,it was a confusing situation.

"C-Can we meet somewhere?,"Dream asked.His breath hitched as he heard the other's reply.

"Yeah,we can meet tomorrow, 7pm at the park,"Fundy answered.

"Yeah ok,thank you ,"Dream smiled.

"I'll see you soon,goodbye,"Fundy answered before hanging up.

Dream checked the time,12:45 his phone read.He was close by the park,where George would be,so he began walking there.Since he didn't have a car.

He got there 10 min early.He sat down on a bench.Before he knew it, he was asleep.

George got out of his car,and instantly spotted the other man.George had only been 10 min late yet the other was lying down peacefully.It made George wonder if the other had been early.Dream was perfect in George's eyes,although they had only met once,a week ago,George quickly grew feelings towards the younger .George walked towards Dream,smiling.He sat in the space next to Dream.He told himself he would wait 10 more min before waking the younger.

Dream felt the sun shine through the leaves upon him as he heard another voice calling him.

"Dream,wake up."

Dream shot up,he looked over and saw George.Dream had realized George had Complete heterochromia,meaning one eye was a different color.One eye was a soft,yet deep blue while the other was hazel.His clout glasses rested upon his hair,which was fluffy.If Dream were to be completely honest,George was attractive.He quickly snapped out of his thoughts.

"Sorry,I hadn't realized I'd fallen asleep,"Dream apologized.

"It's ok,I was late anyway,"George answered.

"So what job do you want to look for first?."


Quackity awoke,Schlatt pressing him into a hug.Quackity remembered what had happened last night.He pulled his hand over his mouth.He quietly sobbed into his hand,so he wouldn't wake Schlatt.His efforts failed.

Schlatt awoke with his arms wrapped around the other.He heard the younger sobs.

"Quackity?,"Schlatt asked with raspiness in his voice.

"What the fuck do you want?,"Quackity sobbed.

"What happened,"Schlatt asked.

"Oh right,you were drunk,"Quackity muttered.

He quickly pulled himself out of Schlatt's arms and sat up.

"You fucked me,without my consent,"Quackity answered.

"Why?,"Schlatt asked.He then remembered.

"Now I remember,"Schlatt bursted out.

"You were not home yet so I drank a lot,"Schlatt said.

"Well I was with friends,"Quackity spat out.

"Hmm,you were not home at 5,when we agreed to both come home,"Schlatt growled.

"I'm sorry,something came up,"Quackity apologized,with anger still in his voice.

"You should've called me,or at least texted,"Schlatt said.

"Fuck you,I was busy,"Quackity tried to stand,yet he almost fell over.He steadied himself with the wall.He pulled on his boxers,with less ease than usual.

"You can't leave me in the fucking dark,"Schlatt angrily replied.

Quackity didn't reply,instead pulled on jeans and a button up shirt.He found his beanie and his phone.He placed his iconic LAFD beanie on his head and his phone in his pocket.Schlatt was now standing up with boxers on.

"I'm leaving,I'll be home later,"Quackity muttered.

"Oh no you fucking don't," Schlatt walked towards Quackity.

Quackity booked it,although he was in pain,adrenaline kicked in.He ran until he couldn't breathe.He stopped to take a breath,looking around,he knew where he was.He began walking where he knew the only place he could go.

For some reason instead of sleeping I wrote over 10 CHAPTERS.Im tired jsjsjjsjsjs anyway Ill post em all.

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