Stoic (Priest Set x Reader)

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        You bounced on your heels in excitement. You were absolutely ecstatic and you should be. After all, you were one of four students who got to travel to Egypt and tour the latest excavation with Cairo’s best Egyptology professor. Four of the best Egyptology students all over the world were chosen and you were one of them!  It was a dream come true! You glanced over at Mandy, one of the other students. She winked at you. You had met on the jet when she sat next to you and the two of you instantly hit it off.

        The guide handed everyone a flashlight and told you to stick together. Single file, you and the group made your way single file down into the tomb. The guide led in the front and the professor in the back with the students in the middle. You looked around you in awe. This was absolutely amazing. A chill racked your body and you knew you had to be at least fifty feet below ground. And from the looks of it, the passageway only seemed to go down deeper.

        Suddenly, the earth began to shake and rocks fell down. Everyone scrambled to avoid being crushed by the massive chunks of rock. You didn’t know where you were going, blindly running out of the way. It all happened so fast and it ended just as quickly as it had begun. When the dust settled, you heard muffled voices behind you. You switched on your flashlight and turned around, coming face to face with a wall of fallen rock. You had gotten separated from the group. You turned around and noticed the decline. They were on the side with the exit.

        “Y/n! Y/n, are you alright?” It was Mandy.

        “Yeah! I’m fine!”

        “Don’t go anywhere!” Your guide.

        “We’re going to go get help!” Your professor, “Stay right there!”

        “Okay!” You heard muffled footsteps move away. You listened with your ear against the rock until they grew so faint you couldn’t hear them anymore. Turning off your flashlight to save the power, you leaned your back against the wall of fallen rocks and slid down. Alone in total darkness, you waited.

        Time passed by, though you didn’t know how much. Minutes? Hours? No clue. It suddenly struck you that you had no idea how thick the wall of rock was. It couldn’t be too thick since you could hear their voices before, but then again they were quite muffled and they were yelling. “Fuck,” you said. Your voice echoed off the stone walls and was carried down deeper underground. The passage seemed much more ominous now… “No, no,” you said, shaking your head, “It only feels that way because you’re alone. It’s just your nerves, calm down.” But no matter what you did too distract yourself, you couldn’t shake that feeling. Maybe it wouldn’t hurt too… no. You knew you had to stay put until help arrived. “They could be on their way right now,” you said, as if speaking it aloud would make it so.

        However, deep down you knew that probably wasn’t true. The nearest town was several hundred miles away and the party was on camel. Plus, the town might not even have the supplies necessary to get you out. Help was a long ways away. As you stared into the darkness, something compelled you deeper. Biting your lip, you thought about it. “Fuck it.” Standing up, you turned on your flashlight and made your way deeper underground.

        You didn’t know how long you walked, your sense of time long gone. All you knew was that you very far below the surface. Finally, the passageway seemed to get more uniform. “Man made,” you muttered. What was it that had to be so far below ground? A tomb? A temple or sanctuary? Or maybe it was something much more sinister… You probably should have turned back then, but your curiosity betrayed you and you kept going.

        You slid your hand across the smooth wall. There wasn’t a single imperfection. You pressed on until you came to a dead end. You narrowed your eyes. Oh, hell no. You had come this far and you knew this wasn’t an actual dead end. Backing up a few steps, you ran at the false wall and rammed it with all of your strength. The ancient plaster crumbled away and you fell through… and down. Letting out a scream, you fell several meters down before landing hard on your side. Groaning, you rolled over and clutched your aching body. You held your flashlight up, noting the smooth wall. The was no way you could scale that. You were royally fucked. Sighing, you lowered your flashlight and leaned against the wall, sighing. Curse your curiosity and stubbornness. If only you had just listened to your guide and professor…

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