Where I Belong (Atem x Reader)

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You tucked a sweaty strand of hair behind your ear as you cut the grain. Your tunic stuck to your back as the sun pelted down from high in the sky. You heaved the blade one last time and let out a sigh of relief. Finally, you were done. After harvesting the last of the grain, you handed it off to your (parent/guardian) who laughed at your disheveled appearance and said you could have the rest of the afternoon to yourself. You decided to spend your free time down by the Nile to cool off.

Making sure to keep an eye out for crocodiles, you stripped off your damp, sweaty tunic and jumped in the cool river. The water soothed your sun heated skin and you sighed in sweet relief. Your back was probably slightly burned, but what could you do? It was part of living in the desert. As you floated on your back, you stared up at the bright blue sky. It was just so blue. How the gods got it so blue, you had no idea. Magic, you supposed. The thought made you grin. You loved it here. It was home and it was absolutely beautiful.

As you stared up at the clear, cloudless sky, you couldn't help but wonder if this is where you will be for the rest of your life. If things kept going the way they did, you'd inherit the farm, have a family of your own, and your kids would then inherit the land, but is that really what you want? Do you really want to spend your entire life on the farm? You have so far, so why did the idea suddenly seem so unappealing?

'It's not that I don't love the farm,' you thought, 'I do, but... I just can't help but wonder... am I meant to be somewhere else?' You heard a caw and looked to see a falcon fly overhead, its silhouette unmistakable against the sun. You stared at it in wonder. Were the gods trying to tell you something? Were you meant to be somewhere else?

You decided to take a walk to clear your head, so you got out of the river, rinsed your tunic in the water, and slipped it back on. You didn't mind the dampness. Thanks to Ra, it would dry in no time. Walking along the trail to town, you began to think. You were getting older, seventeen in a few days. Perhaps it is time to start thinking about where you'll be in the future. You've only ever seen yourself at the farm, and that never bothered you before, but now you felt as if you should be somewhere else. Where, you had no idea, but the more you thought about it, the more you realized your path lead away from the little family farm.

You reached town and walked the streets of the market. It always amazed you how talented people were. Just how did they get glass to form a bottle and look so beautiful? How did they make such amazing smells for perfumes and incense. You always loved to observe people in the market, watch how they interact with each other. You sat down in the middle of the market on a stone wall that surrounded a temple shaped sculpture symbolizing the unity of the people. Not only did you watch, you felt. You listened to the chatter of the people, the people running the stand calling for more supplies. You smelled the food, the wine and beer, the oils and incense, the melting glass and metal. "Y/n!" You turned to see your cousin, Jounou, and Moku walk up to you. You grinned.

"Hey, Jounou, Moku." The younger boy grinned.

"Hi, Y/n!"

"What are you two doing here?"

"Moku wanted to come to the market."

"I love the market!" You laughed.

"Me too, little guy."

"Oh! Look at that!" He ran over to a stand a few feet away. Jounou rolled his eyes at the boy's antics and sat next to you.

"So, what are you doing here?" he asked. You shrugged with a smile.

"Oh, you know, just watching people." He shook his head.

"You are so strange." You laughed and punched his arm. He grinned. "Shouldn't you be cutting grain?"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 01, 2015 ⏰

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