Character Answers

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Gracie's POV

"Harry and Niall, we're about to start!" Zayn shouted up the stairs at them.

"Sorry, we were putting the twins down," Harry said, taking a seat next to Marcel on the couch and Niall sat on his other side. "So, let's begin. Who's going first?"

"You," I said, picking up the piece of paper that was on the coffee table. "You ready?" I asked him.

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"This question is from leprecum and she wants to know, 'Harry do you love me? No, kidding.' Before you answer Harry, I'd just like say, you better be kidding."

Harry laughed. "Yes, I love you."

"myboys_ asks 'are you excited for the future?'"

"Yeah, I mean, I'm excited for the kids to grow up and I'm excited to be a parent with Niall. I'm really excited for us to grow old together as well," Harry said, kissing Niall's cheek.

"Aw, baby," Niall said, pecking Harry's lips as well.

"nameisamanda asks 'do you see yourself having more kids with Niall in the future?'"

Harry looked at Niall before he answered. "Of course. We've talked about it and we want to wait until the twins are one to start trying for another baby. It's definitely something that's going to happen."

"Aw, my heart may burst with happiness," Marcel said, making everyone laugh.

"Brittanytaylor_xx asks 'what's it like being married to Niall and having a family?'"

"Being married to Niall is hard work. Most of the time he always wants to have sex, which I'm okay with. But sometimes he's really messy. He treats my like a princess, though. Overall, I love being married to him and he's the love of my life."

Everyone awed and Niall kissed Harry's cheek. "Okay, Harry, what's it like having a family?"

"I love being a parent. I love having my husband and kids and it's the best feeling in the world when you go out in public and people tell you that you have a beautiful family. I wouldn't change any of it for the world."

"How does it feel to be pregnant? Which is asked by oxxdirection "

Harry let out a huff. "It's hard. And so, so tiring. But there's so moments where it's the best feeling in the world. I guess it just depends on my mood," he chuckled.

"raevizzle wants to know what it's like giving birth."

"Well, I had a c-section, so I was numb. But it hurt afterwards."

"The last question is from LarryxxNarry , which is 'are you going to want anymore kids in the future?'"

"Yes, we're planning on maybe two more."

"Thank you, Harry. Now it's Niall's turn."

"Wait! I'm done?"

"She already said that, baby," Niall told him, rubbing his knee.

"Fine, but I'm answering yours, as well." Niall rolled his eyes before he sunk more into the couch. "Did you just roll your eyes at me?"

"Harry, please," I said, flipping to Niall's questions. "Now, raevizzle wants to know if you watched Harry give birth, Niall."

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