Chapter Eleven

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"Yeah, baby?"

"I don't want to do Broadway anymore..."

"Why not baby?"

"I want to be a stay at home Mommy. And I think we should move back to Colorado..."

Niall looks up at me and bites his lip. "Harry, I have a career here..."

"We can move to Denver and you can play for the Rockies."

"That's not how it works, baby. I have a contract."

I sigh and sit on his lap, putting a protective hand on my six month pregnant belly. "Maybe you should quit. You've made enough money to last us for the rest of our lives...."

Niall's eyes get watery, which makes me panic. "Harry, please don't ask me to do this," he whispers and squeezes my hips.

I lay my head on his shoulder and kiss his cheek. "Maybe they can trade you and you can play for Denver for a few years. Then maybe you can be a baseball coach or something. Niall, I just- I want to raise the kids where we grew up."

Niall sighs and kisses my lips. "I suppose you're right, I don't want my kids to grow up in New York. I'll talk to my manager and see what we can do, okay?"

I smile and kiss him. "Okay, thank you. I love you so much."

"I love you, too."


"I am too pregnant to chase around little kids!" I say and flop down on the couch. Finally, the birthday party is over after watching all the little kids of Niall's and mine friends run around our house, celebrating the twins birthday.

"You're just upset that your babies are one," Marcel says, rocking his and Zayn's four month old daughter, Jade, to sleep.

I pout and lean into Niall's side. "It's the worst day of my life."

"Now don't say that, baby. Just be happy that our babies are growing up so well," Niall says and kisses my forehead.

I watch as Darling walks up to me and hands me a toy that she got as a present. "Thank you, Princess," I say and kiss her cheek.

"So," Niall starts, "Harry and I were talking last night and I talked to my manager..."

"Yes?" Maura says, not liking it when her son beats around the bush.

"We're moving back to Colorado and I'm being traded to play for the Rockies," Niall says fast.

"What?!" Louis shouts, startling Ellie. He crawls over to Niall and holds his arms up, frightened and wanting his Daddy to protect him. "Sorry," Louis whispers.

"We don't want to raise the kids here, so we're going to move before Peter is born. We've been looking at houses and stuff and we're really excited about this," I say. I feel a sharp pain in my abdomen, but I ignore it, answering the questions being thrown at us.

"That's so hard on you and the baby, Harry. How are you going to pack up this entire house and travel being so pregnant?" Mum says.

"We're hiring someone to pack up the house. I won't be lifting a finger. Niall made it very clear that if we move before Peter is born, then I won't be doing a thing. Which I'm fine with," I tease. Everyone laughs and nods in understanding.

"It's been such a long day," Niall says through a yawn. "Is everyone ready for bed?" He stands up and holds his arms out for me, helping me up as well.

"As soon as I get another piece of cake," Louis says and runs to the kitchen.

"Goodnight, everyone," I say and grab Ellie as Niall grabs Aoife.

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