Chapter Nine

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"Harry, your plane leaves in two hours! Let's go!" Mum shouted from the front door.

"Hang on!" I said, picking up the last diaper bag from the twins' bedroom floor.

I walked downstairs to see Mum with the twins and our suitcases. "What took you so long?!"

"I had to get everything! I'm traveling with two babies, do not rush me, woman!"

"Don't shout at me."

"Sorry," I mumbled, taking Elliot from her.

"You're lucky I'm going with you."

I gave a fake smile, because no, I'm not lucky. I'm seeing my husband for the first time in two months with my children, I do not want my mother there. If it weren't for the twins, it'd be just me. Even if it were one baby, she wouldn't be going. But I, sadly, can't travel by myself with two six month olds.

The only thing I'm looking forward to is flying out to Chicago for Niall's game. He's been traveling a lot, so he doesn't have time to come home and see his family. And two months is a long time to not see your children.

"Harry, buckle him," Mum said as she buckled Darling next to me.

"I know."

"Just making sure."

"Listen, I've been a father for six months. Yeah, you've been a parent longer, but these are my kids and I know how to take care of them, okay?"

She looked a little taken aback. Maybe I was a little too harsh but seriously. "I'm sorry," she mumbled and got in the car.

I sighed, pinching the bridge of my nose in frustration. I got in the car as well, kissing Darling's hand as she hit me in the face. She made little babbling noises, opposed to Ellie who was asleep.

"Mum, I'm sorry. I'm just really frustrated and-"

"Honey, you don't have to apologize. I understand, you haven't seen your husband in a while and you're nervous. Just know that I'm taking the twins tonight," she winked as we headed to the airport.


Finally, after two hours of a perfect Ellie and loud Darling, our plane landed. At this point, I just want to see my husband.

We walked through baggage claim, both Mum and I looking around for Niall.

"Harry!" I heard him shout.

I turned around and saw my beautiful husband standing near the doors with a bouquet of red roses. Darling let out a happy squeak, knowing it was her Daddy. I handed her to Mum and ran full speed to Niall.

As soon as I reached him, I wrapped my arms around his neck and legs around his waist. "Baby," he breathed out, holding me tight.

"Fuck, I missed you so much," I told him, wrapping my arms tighter. He sat me on the ground, kissing my lips with more passion than ever. He pulled away, resting our foreheads together. I pulled away when I noticed something. "Did you bulkier?"

He chuckled, grabbing ahold of my hand as we walked toward the kids and Mum. "Yes, baby, I am an athlete."

"Da!" Darling said as soon as we reached the twins and Mum, and she reached out for Niall.

"Did- did she just say 'Da'? As in 'daddy'?" He asked, ignoring her reaching out for him

I nodded as she started to whine. "She wants you to hold her, babe."

He looked at her, seeing her still reaching out with a confused look on her face. "Oh, my gosh," he said, grabbing her and holding her close to him. His eyes filled with tears as he placed multiple kisses all over her face. "Daddy missed you so much, baby."

Ellie must have seen all the love that Darling was getting because he started to cry. Luckily, before he could start wailing, Niall grabbed him as well, holding both twin in each arm.

"Hi, Ellie, baby. Daddy has missed you, too. You're such a pretty boy, baby," he said, kissing his face as well.

"Come on, boys, you can have family bonding time at the hotel," Mum said, leading us out of the airport.


Niall and I were laying in the bed in our hotel room, admiring the twins as they played on the ground. Mum was in her own room, catching up on sleep and giving us some much needed family time.

"I think Elliot has an avoidant personality disorder," I tell Niall, watching the way Ellie sits alone, cautiously playing with his toys.

"What? What is that?"

"He's really shy and stuff. I think he's too young to know for sure, but I think it's more than him just being shy." I watched as Elliot looked back at us and his lip started to tremble. Niall immediately picked him up, nuzzling him in his chest.

"Maybe he's just really attached," Niall whispered, cradling the baby close to him.

"I don't think that's it, Ni," I said, shaking my head. "He won't play with Darling and he's a very quiet baby. I'm worried about him." Niall's eyes got glossy. "Hey, why are you crying?"

"I don't want anything to be wrong with him," he whispered again, kissing Ellie's forehead.

"Baby, nothing is wrong with him. He'll be fine, he's a strong boy."

Niall nodded and looked down at the now sleeping baby. "He's so beautiful."

"Both of them are," I said, picking up Darling who whined and reached out for her toys. I smothered her face in kisses, laughing as she squealed.

Ellie woke up, probably bothered by the noise. Niall lifted him up to his his face and began to smother him in kisses as well. Both babies were laughing hysterically, making Niall and I smile the biggest we ever have.

Niall laid Ellie on the bed and began to tickle him. The baby kicked his legs, letting out loud squeals and giggles. I sat Darling next to Ellie and told Niall to tickle her as well. I pulled out my phone and began videotaping. I put the camera on Niall, focusing in on his smiling face.

Once I stopped recording, I uploaded it to Instagram with the caption, "Much needed family time. We missed Daddy so much!"

I showed it to Niall and he smirked. "Is that a double meaning, baby?"

I blushed, kissing his cheek. "Yes. Mum is taking the kids tonight and I can't wait to get you alone."


I scrolled through Instagram and the comments that I was getting on my pictures. I saw one with the tag '#horanfamily' so I clicked on it. I scrolled through the page of many pictures of me with the kids or all of us together.

One from today of us at the airport stopped me. Seventeen Magazine posted it with the caption "The Horan family seen today at the airport, reuniting after two months! They are definitely the cutest family we've seen in a while!"

I showed Niall, making him laugh. "We are."


Hola , bitches !

How y'all doin ?

I don't know how much I'll be able to post this coming up week. It's my spring break and I'm going to Florida. But hopefully I'll be able to post some.

A lot of you are enjoying Daddy's Darling ! That makes me so happy ! If you haven't read it yet , go check it out. It's Lirry. And will be vv good. I hope everyone likes it !


That's it for today I think.

Vote , comment , fan , share.

Love you all so much !

~~ Gracie

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