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I forgot to mention this before. As Mirae's memories were coming back, a whole day has passed. (Why does this all sound so cheesy to me?)

•Yixing's POV
I was in my car going back to dorm after my schedules when I got a text.
I checked the text and it was from Mirae-ssi.

[From: Angry Bird Mirae-ssi
Can we meet right now?]

I was so shocked after seeing that I pulled over the car at the roadside. Is she okay? She won't normally come to meet me. What's happening?
I replied to her text saying,

[To: Angry Bird Mirae-ssi
Yes, we can meet. I'll come to the usual bus stop in a few minutes.]

[From: Angry Bird Mirae-ssi
Ok. I'll wait there. I'm sorry for calling you up to meet so late.]

[To: Angry Bird Mirae-ssi
It's ok. I'll be right there]

It was really late. It's almost 11 pm.
I drove to the bus stop and got outside the car as soon as I reached. I looked around to find her.
I saw her coming from the other direction.
As soon as she saw me, she started running towards me. Her eyes were filled with tears. She was looking so tired yet trying her best.
She ran towards me and hugged me tightly.
"I'm sorry. I'm really sorry. I am a fool to forget you. I'm sorry." She said panting while in my hug.
"I can't understand anything." I was standing still, not knowing what was happening. She's crying? Why? What happened? What does she mean by forgetting me?
"Mirae-ssi, I can't understand anything." I said stuttering.
"Yixing-ssi, for sometime, please for sometime. Let me stay like this." She said softly which was unlike her.
"OK...." I said as I hugged her back to comfort her. She sobbed in my hug for a long time and all I could do is pat her back and make her feel comfortable.
After some time, she got away from me and we both sat on the bench.
She was still a bit down; her nose and cheeks were red, which made her look so cute. I giggled to myself.
"Why are you laughing?" Because of crying for a long time, her voice sounded like a baby.
"It's just that you are looking so cute." I said and I poked her red cheek with my finger.
"Don't touch me." She said as she hit my lightly, probably because she was embarrassed.
"But, what were you talking about? Why were you crying? Why did you call me here so late?" I bombarded her with questions.
"Uhm.....that......actually....." She was unsure whether she should tell me everything.
"It's ok, you can tell me about what happened once you get comfortable with me." I said to her. I was really curious but I should respect her choice of not opening up to me so soon.
"Thank you for understanding me." She said as she sniffed.
"It's okay my friend. I hope we're friends now?" I said as I was unsure about her side. Friends? Really Zhang Yixing??
"Yes we are." She said smiling. It's rare to see her smile.
"If you again feel like crying, you can call me instead of texting me." I said patting her head as her cheeks became more red. I giggled again because she was blushing. This sudden change in her is making me more curious about her.
Honestly, I like both sides of her. Her angry bird side, her soft side, both. I just don't like her sad side. I wish I could just extract away all sadness away from her and make her smile the way she's smiling right now.
After that I just sent her home and went back to dorm.
I reached dorm and everyone was up late except Suho hyung and Kyungsoo.
"Why are y'all up so late?" I asked all members who were in the living room watching the TV together.
"Just watching a movie." Sehun said looking at the TV.
"Okay." I said and went inside to wash up. Then, I came back to watch the movie with them.
As soon as I sat down, Baekhyun grabbed the remote and turned off the TV as all of them looked at me.
Is this an interrogation office?
"What happened now?" I said nervously.
"Where were you hyung?" Baekhyun said narrowing his eyes towards me.
"What do you mean by where was I? I was- I was at my schedules." I said and damn, I stuttered.
"Ha! We know something else is up. Your schedules ended long time ago. Where were you?" Sehun said raising his eyebrows.
"Why are y'all saying? Stop joking." I said as I tried to get up and escape the conversation. But, Chanyeol grabbed me at the same time and made me sit down again.
"Yixing-ah, you're really fishy." Xiumin hyung said narrowing his eyes towards me.
"Hyung, who's she? Is it someone we know?" Kai said and all the members BOOed.
"Jongin-ah, that question was planned to be asked last." Chen whined in the corner.
"What are y'all talking about?" I said laughing it out. I'm dead now.
"Hyung, come on, tell us. We are all one, right?" Sehun said with puppy eyes.
"Okay." I said and sighed. I can't escape this without spilling some tea.
"Okay!" They all screamed in unison and a voice came from inside. "Everyone, y'all are too loud." It was Suho hyung.
"Sorry hyung. We'll keep it low." I shouted so he could hear me.
"So, who's that?" Chanyeol asked.
"First of all, stop narrowing your eyes towards me. I'm elder than everybody here except Xiumin hyung." They all weren't flinched so I decided to answer their questions first.
"Her name is Mirae. I don't know her surname. She works in a cafe nearby but we met at the nearby busstop." I said all in one breathe.
"I told you it would be the girl from café." Chanyeol said punching Sehun's arm.
"Hyung, it hurts." Sehun whined and everyone laughed.
"Hyung, tell us more. You both met just now? Are you two already dating?" Kai asked as he was so excited.
"Kai-ah, no, we're not dating. She's just a fr- friend." I said rubbing my name as all of them laughed it out.
"Hyung, we know you are not just friends." Baekhyun said smirking. "You like her?" He threw another question at me.
"Maybe...." I said and Chen whined again. "Hyung, what do you mean by 'maybe'?"
"Maybe, means maybe, I'm not sure about my feelings." I said as I pretended to be annoyed and tried to get up again but a strong grip called Park Chanyeol was holding me.
"He likes her." Suho hyung said coming out of his room. "If he didn't like her, he would have denied quickly." Hyung said smiling creepily at me.
"Weren't you sleeping?" I asked him.
"You all are just too loud that I can't sleep." He said. "Don't make more noise or Kyungsoo will wake up too. He has a movie schedule tomorrow morning." He added.
"Okay, so hyung likes her." Sehun said folding his hands.
"Why did you meet just now?" Chanyeol said and Chen hit him on his shoulder.
"Chanyeol-ah, it's their personal matter." Chen said.
"But they aren't dating yet. Why did they meet at so late night?" Chanyeol asked.
"She texted me and wanted to meet me and so I went." I said.
"And..." said Suho hyung.
"She cried. A lot. For a long time. But she didn't tell me why. I asked her but she was hesitating so I told her to open up when she gets comfortable." I said.
"Hyung, your story is so cute." Kai said giggling.
"Everyone, if you sleep in next 30 seconds, I'll make kimchi stew tomorrow after coming home after schedules." said Kyungsoo from inside and it didn't take all of them even 10 seconds to run to their rooms. Ofcourse, Kimchi Stew is more delicious than anything else.
I went to bed too.
•Mirae's POV
[Next Morning]
I woke up with my alarm ringing. Probably the first time when I actually needed an alarm to wake. Normally, I don't sleep much because of all my thoughts but I had a sound sleep this time. No dreams, no nightmares. Just sound sleep.
I was still sleepy when my phone beeped with a message notification.
[From: Zhang Yixing
Good Morning and have a great day! Call me when you need me.]
I just smiled dumbly at the text. And then I realized that I'm no more the person who I became after coming here. Am I going back to the usual myself? I didn't give much of a thought to this and did my morning routine.
I end my morning routine by checking my task list. How many more people to kill? Just 4. Yes, there are not many of them left. In past 2-3 months, there were many people to be killed but not more left now. But, will I be able to kill these 4 people with the mindset I've now? I don't feel like the same person anymore. I am not as fearless as the Mirae I was before. And, I don't want to be weak either.
None of the 4 people was supposed to die this month so basically I was free this month. And I don't even have anything to do except my cafe job which was in evening.
Many days passed but the grim reaper never showed up. I had a few questions for him. Questions about Junhyung. Did he really come all the way here for me just to keep his words? And was he the one who leaked those songs?
My second question was answered after a few days when Yixing called me. He told me that the person who leaked the songs was caught and was sued. It was some intern from the company itself.
But I was still waiting for the grim reaper to show up. He didn't. He didn't show up.
Meanwhile, Yixing and I were in regular contact. He used to visit the cafe regularly and we talked everyday and got close. Yes we did. I didn't treat him coldly anymore and tried to match his energy. Though, our talks were still formal yet they were like friends. Yes, friends. Not more, not less. Why am I sad though?
I had decided to wander around Seoul for the past few days. When I told Yixing about this, he said that he'll come with me when he has some time.
[From: Zhang Yixing
Let's visit Namsan Tower tomorrow. I'm free tomorrow.]
I smiled to myself and prepared for the Namsam Tower visit.

Hello, lovely people. Late update but much great update I guess.
I don't know why but this chapter turned out to be soft. This ff doesn't have much soft chapters so I decided to add some.
Hope you enjoyed reading!
Drop some comments <3.

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