The Small Date

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•Mirae's POV
I woke up the next morning with the excitement of going to Namsan Tower with Yixing. It was kind of a date for me. Yes, it was. Atleast for me.
I took a fresh bath and was choosing what to wear when my phone message notification rang.
[From: Zhang Yixing
Mirae-ssi, Good Morning. I'm really sorry but I won't be able to visit Namsan Tower with you today. 😔 I got a sudden schedule I have to attend. But, please do go there and enjoy yourself. Click some good pictures of yourself and send me. 😊 Have a great day!]

How am I supposed to have a great day now? Like how when you're not coming with me. My excitement which was to the moons went straight to the earth's core when he said he can't come. I was now thinking about not to go but I have to send him evidence that I visited the place by clicking pictures. And as he said I decided to visit Namsan Tower by myself.
I was at the Namsan Tower now. It was almost 9 am. The morning breeze was mild and warm enough. There were not many people around as it was a week day.
I was standing in the open area and enjoying the view from the place while leaning on the iron grills. I was feeling good yet a bit lonely. These days I feel lonely, less often thanks to him. He always makes me feel wanted by checking on me once a day. And now, though we just texted, I clearly miss him, to the point that the good weather reminds me of him.
"The weather's so good. I wish you were here too." I said out loud to myself and sighed.
"And I am really here." A masked man suddenly appeared there.
The voice-
"Yixing-ssi?" I said as he slid his mask down for a while to ensure me that it's him.
"Annyeong Mirae-ssi." He said as he put his mask up again.
"Yixing-ssi, how come you're here?" I said out of surprise to suddenly see him there.
"Well, it just happened." He said and giggled.
"You said you had a schedule? You lied?" I said and scoffed.
"No, no. I really had a schedule. I just wrapped it up real quick and came." He said and smiled behind his mask showing his eye smile. "And thanks to that, now you're twice happier."
"Well, you're not wrong." I said as he giggled with satisfaction.
"Let's walk around for a while and then have brunch." He said as he dragged me around holding my hand.
The moment he held my hand everything around me went blur and it was just his sense for me. I was not at all bothered about where he was dragging me and just let him lead me.
After looking around for a few minutes he asked me whether I am hungry. Ofcourse, I was. And even I wasn't wouldn't have been I would have said yes regardless just to spend more time with him. Am I being to addicted or obsessed with his presence? No, no, no.

We went to a small, old restaurant as he said that we can't go to big ones because the crowd, there might be someone who could recognize him. Also, it's not like I have a big appetite to eat in big restaurants.
We sat at a table as an old lady took our orders. He was took off his mask as there was no one at that place accept us. It's really better this way. Just the two of us.
He was talking about many things and smiling between his talks. His dimple flashing again and again made me a blushing mess but I didn't care and responded him with equal enthusiasm.
"What should we do next?" I asked him while munching on the food.
"Well, you said you have evening job right? So, we have a lot of time today." He said and was thinking about something.
"Should I take you somewhere I like a lot?" He asked me shyly smiling.
"Yes, I would love to go with you." I said and we concentrated on our food again. We were done and paid our bills and left.

We sat in his car and drove off. He was playing soft music in the car and humming to it while I was just stealing glances at him. He was now not wearing his mask and hence, whenever he smiled, his dimple flashed. And I can't explain how much I'm obsessed with that dimple of his. Basically, him. NO! GET TO YOUR SENSES MIRAE. YOU CAN NOT BE OBSESSED WITH HIM. I know I'm just giving myself useless threats but......

He drove towards the hill top and we were soon at his "favorite" place. He stopped the car at the road side. And removed his seat belt.
"We have to go there." He said as he pointed at some small shed with a bench to the side of the road.
We both got outside the car. The afternoon sun was shining brightly. Though it was an afternoon, the breeze was still a bit mild because we were on an altitude. 
We walked towards the shed and I saw the view from his favorite place.
I was mesmerized by what I saw. The whole Seoul city could be viewed from there. The whole city that was shining with dazzling sun could be seen.
"Beautiful!" I said a bit loudly.
"I know right." He said and giggled.
He took a long breathe saying "I can finally breathe freely. No people around, no masks needed." He said and smiled to the fullest. "I feel so good."
"Should we sit there?" I said to him pointing towards the bench nearby.
"Yeah sure." He said as he held my wrist and took me there.
We both sat on the bench. Still looking at the view.
"This looks even prettier at night." He said.
"Really? I wish I could come here at night time." I said to which he responded, "I'll bring you here sometime at night then, next time."
"Do you want to know why this place is my favorite?" He asked.
"Yes ofcourse." I want to know everything about you. I just couldn't say the last sentence out loud.
"Whenever I come here and see the whole city at a glance, I remember the younger me who came to this city to be a singer. He had big dreams, high hopes and was not having the world's knowledge. He was brave, strong and ready to work hard. He was the best version of him." He said and gave a proud smile for himself. "Now that I'm a singer for almost 7 years, I know the younger me would be so proud of me."
"The younger you would definitely be proud of you. Not only in your career, but as a person also, you're doing a such a great job. You deserve all you have right now, actually even more." I said.
"But there are some things I'm still missing on. And I know I can do better. I will do my best to get those things." He them smiled looking me. "I will get them all." He smiled again and that smile had some kind of assurance.

After a few talks, clicking some pictures of eachother and some together, when it was finally past afternoon, we decided to go back. I had my cafe job and he had his schedules too. So we drove off.
He drove me back to my apartment and waved me a goodbye with an eye smile.
It was a beautiful day atleast till now. I said to myself not knowing what was waiting for me next.

Happy Lay Day Eris!!!!
So, finally, I updated this ff with a kind of small chapter than all other ones.
Actually, I had no chapter completely typed but I wanted to update it on his bday.
I know this chapter didn't make much difference in the storyline but some nice plots are gonna come soon. (I hope nice for y'all too.) Also, I know I'm not that good at writing those cute, romantic parts. Pardon, because it's the effect of watching too many thriller dramas.
Lastly, hope you enjoyed reading.
Ignore typos and grammatical mistakes.

Vote, comment and share with your fanfriends if you liked it.

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