The fight that settled the score pt.2

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[Hey! So this is a part two on the last part because I thought the fight was going to be written in the last part but it wasn't so ya. Here's a part 2.]
For the next 2 days, Chifuyu practiced and practiced 'til his legs gave up on him. He wanted to show Baji how good at fighting he was and that he didn't need anyone to protect him. Chifuyu still attended classes but he would always skip lunch to practice. He never had breaks. It was always classes then practice. Baji watched him for the last two days and was always the one to help Chifuyu out. Every night, he'd carry Chifuyu to his room at around 12 in the morning. The day of the fight when Baji arrived at Toman's old gathering spot, he found all of Toman there and surprisingly Chifuyu. He didn't walk up to anyone from his old friends or even greet them. He just walked over to Chifuyu.
"I told you not to bring yourself into this mess, Chifuyu."
"Just you wait, Keisuke. I'll show you who needs to be protected." Chifuyu walked away and stood next to one of Toman's members.
"Tch." Baji also walked over to Mitsuya and stood next to him.
"Alright, Toman! As I told you! Today is going to be the last fight with Valhalla! Today is the day that we'll settle the score with them!"
Huh? Who's them?
"Are there any questions or objections?! If so, step up!" When Mikey said that, Chifuyu walked up to Mikey. He could hear people's confusion as to who he was and what he was doing there. But that didn't matter.
"What's question or objection, Chifuyu?"
"Who's them?"
"Mm. I see. Ok, I'll tell you."
"It's ok, Ken-chin. I trust him. He's our friend after all." Chifuyu stood there looking at Mikey in full seriousness.
"Them is Kisaki Tetta, Kazutora Hanemiya, and Hanna Shuji."
"Ok. That's all, thank you"
"Huh?" Mikey looked shocked. He thought Chifuyu was going to ask him who the other two besides Kazutora were.
"You don't want to know who Kisaki and Hanma are?"
"No, I'll figure it out myself." As he said that, Mikey left out a soft chuckle.
Once they arrived at the location where they were going to fight, it was filled with a bunch of delinquents and observers. Chifuyu was confused on to who they were but that didn't concern Chifuyu. What mattered was A. Finding out who Kisaki and Hanma are, B. Protecting Baji, C. Showing to everyone that he can fight, and D. Defeating Valhalla. After everyone gathered, the referee welcomed both gangs and asked for both representatives to step forward. Draken and Kazutora both stepped up.
"Now, would the representatives like a one-on-one with your best man, or a full-on brawl?"
"You guys started this fight, Draken. You pick."
"A one-on-one."
[just a reminder! This isn't the actual scene from the anime. This is a made up scene with a few parts from the anime.]
Everyone was confused as to why Draken would choose a one-on-one.
"However! After that one-on-one, we'll do the brawl."
"Ok, fine by us. As long as we get to kick your asses. We're fine."
"Ok, Both representatives may pick their best men. If any objects they may speak up."
"Hey, Hanma! Why don't you start us off?"
"Fine by me, Kazutora." As a tall, black-haired boy with tattoos on both his hands and a yellow strip coming from the middle of his hair.
So that's Hanma Shuji? That was easy.
"Your turn Draken, who're you choosing?"
"Chifuyu!" Everyone was shocked to Drakens decision and Valhalla was confused as to who Chifuyu was.
"Draken! Your seriously putting Chifuyu up first?!"
"Chifuyu wants to show his strength, Baji? Well this is his chance. Right, Chifuyu?" Chifuyu walked up with a serious face as he stood in front of Hanma.
"So you're Hanma Shuji?"
"Haha. Got that right, sucker."
"This'll be a piece of cake then." As Chifuyu stretched before he began.
"This'll be a quick match, Chifuyu."
"I don't respect my senpais. Hanma, just to know."
"Hah! Then I won't be respectful with you either, Chifuyu." As the referee made the call to begin.
"That was a bad choice, Draken. He could get hurt."
"It's alright, Mitsuya. When Ken-chin's proud of his decision that means he puts his faith in him. Right, Baji?"
"I don't know about this, Mikey-kun.."
"Then I guess the only way for you to know is by watching." They watched as Hanma was throwing punches harder than Chifuyu as he spat out blood.
"This isn't good."
"Ah ah. Just sit back and watch." Chifuyu got to throw a few punches and the more he sent, the more damage it had on Hanma. Before they knew it, Hanma had fell to the ground and Chifuyu pushed his to the ground. Chifuyu sat on him and began punching him. After a few minutes, the winner was certain.
"The winner of the one-on-one is Toman's best man!"
"I told you, Baji. Never underestimate someone who's desperate."
"Now you see, Baji Keisuke. I'll be the one protecting you now." In the just a few seconds the brawl had started and everyone charged at each other. Everyone was fighting with their full strength but as it seemed. Toman was losing more members. The fight was left between around 20 to 200. Everyone was getting exhausted and Chifuyu still hadn't figured out who Kisaki was.
"Kisaki!! Stop being a pussy and come face me!" As Chifuyu yelled out. Then, Kisaki came out of nowhere.
"Ha?! Who's talking?!" Chifuyu then stepped up to Kisaki with his head high.
"Who're you?"
"Chifuyu Matsuno. I'm not a member of Toman but I'd like to defeat you even if I die."
"This'll be fun then." Kisaki pulled out a gun and pointed it a Chifuyu. Draken turned to see what was happening and saw Kisaki holding the gun up at Chifuyu.
"Chifuyu!!" When everyone heard that they all turned to look. Everyone stopped fighting and all eyes were on Kisaki and Chifuyu. Baji then yelled out and ran to Chifuyu but Draken stopped him.
"Chifuyu! Huh? Let me go, Draken! I need to get to Chifuyu!"
"Calm down, Baji. This is his fight. Let him be."
"What? Can't fight one-on-one so you're using a gun?"
"Don't fool yourself, Chifuyu. This is just a faster way of doing things after all."
"I wanna fight you, Kisaki. Even if I die. Using a gun won't benefit and won't show strength to anyone here."
"Heh. You're a smart one. Ok." Kisaki threw the gun on the floor and positioned himself to fight.
"Let's fight."
"Winners of this fight: Toman!" Toman won the fight with one arrest, one fatal ingury......and one death.
[Hey! This is the end of Part 4! Don't know if this was a major or minor cliffhanger for you guys but anyways. Part 5 will be posted soon as I've always mentioned. Thx for everyone who's been reading! I'd like to give thanks to the people who've followed me, read my stories, and voted for my story. Thank you! Bye!]

One Addictive Drug | Baji x Chifuyu | College AU Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon